Leith - saying HELP! :)

May 19, 2009 15:56

Leith has learned the word 'help' !!!! :)

I've been trying to teach it to him for the longest time. This morning, at his first ever speech therapy group, we were had a moment to ourselves and he was playing with this truck and I was having a bit of a daydream. The wheel on the truck fell off and he handed it to me, saying "help." It didn't occur to me until after I'd fixed it that what he had said was "help" and not something else and now he's been saying it all day, whenever he needs me to get something out of his reach or to fix something.

This is a HUGE milestone for us!! I was beginning to lose heart because all he's been doing since learning words is naming objects and mimmicking (which I know is still really awesome!!! but I didn't know how to get him to use his words to communicate with me).

He's also been pushing me into the kitchen when he wants something to eat. Awesomenessness.

asd, baby, speech, milestones, leith

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