Leith's not well (and I can't believe I just spelled his name with a double 'e')

Jan 22, 2007 16:47

Leith has tongue tie. Therefore, he's "nipple feeding" rather than breast feeding. He has problems sucking, although he attaches well, and is unable to massage the milk from my breast with his tongue. He often gets overwhelmed when a big let down (milk flow) occurs and stops sucking after that. On top of this, he likes to fall asleep on the breast and once he falls off the nipple it's hard to wake him to get him to reattach. Because of this his feeds are shorter than they should be (even though they often take over an hour as it is) and he's not getting the fatty milk at the end of the feed, he's instead getting a lot of the nutrient and sugar rich milk which flows at the beginning of the feed.

Without sufficient fatty milk he's not putting on any weight. He's actually lost 20 grams since last Wednesday. The sugar, I presume, is also making his stomach very upset. He's doing less poos than is usual for him and he seems to have a lot of gas that he's unable to get out. He's been very uncomfortable since yesterday afternoon, waking up every half hour to hour.

No, I haven't gotten any sleep and my back is extremely sore from trying to settle him and feed him constantly. The only time he stops crying is when he's on the breast, even if he's not really feeding, and he won't take his dummy. He wants to be held but even that won't calm him down because he's overtired. In conclusion, I need to get his tongue snipped and hopefully these problems will go away. I'm sort of coping, I haven't broken down into tears, I've been keeping a level head even if my body seems about to break down.

Tonight I face another night of this and once again without Matt to help me. I miss him, not just because I've been having troubles with the baby, but because the warmth of his body and the sound of his voice soothes me as much as it soothes Leith.


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