
Jul 02, 2010 23:05

Finally updating. Not that I haven't had time or anything; the fact that I've been able to vegetate in front of my favorite game for a few hours the last three days makes that very clear, not to mention the acquaintance with TV I've had. Rofl.

Any who; 'side from just general laziness... I guess I just haven't been in a sharing mood. Or something.

Or maybe it just the massive amount of cleaning I've been doing. Scraping dog feces from floors and then mopping; only to have to repeat the process a few hours later is incredibly annoying. My sister has thus far failed to properly potty train puppies. Their mother; My dog Hiedi; has no such problem. I made sure she was trained within three weeks of her coming to live with us. Making... some progress with the male pup, Tarzan. His sister Lily... not so much. She;s also the one that eats the cough cushions... and chewed the face off my favorite stuffed tiger. Needless to say; I was no a happy camper.

The fact that I cook in this house should grant me the right to some protection of property. We're still scratching our heads as to how the pup managed to get the tiger. It was in my room. The door was closed. Locked in fact. Yet we came home from the grocery store and there was Styrofoam and white cotton stuffing everywhere. I raged.

Other then the unsanitary conditions I'm working hard to correct, and lack of proper dog training; I am glad to be home.

My family is hell bent on making me fat; going out to eat so often.

Granted, I needed to gain back some of the weight I'd lost. I'd rather do so on my own terms; eating better and slowly gaining back muscle mass and whatnot, not eating fast food and all that junk.

Granted; It's indecently hard for me to refuse pizza; so that 5lbs was my own fault.

Oh well; they'll have to be content with my cooking for a few days. And they will be; as I'm the best cook in the household and returned home with an entirely new arsenal to assault their taste-buds with. =3

I will eventually like trip pictures here. Eventually.

Now then... I believe it's time for bed. Night ya'll; sweet dreams and enjoy the 4th of July weekend. I personally am going out to the country with my family to watch the fireworks we can legally indulge in because of the rain from hurricane Alex.

update wat?

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