Okay guys, there are some new folks who have no clue who I am beyond that I am called Grace and I will go to great lengths for a cat in need. My profile covers a lot of the important stuff, but I feel the need to elaborate so no one gets any unpleasant surprises. If any of this bothers you, you can duck out now with no hard feelings.
-First and foremost, I have been keeping this journal since I was fifteen (I am twenty-two now). While I periodically make efforts to go back and lock all my angsty and pointless entries, there's still enough there to make me uncomfortable. I'd prefer if you didn't read back more than two years, but if you want to, just keep in mind that I was in and out of abusive and dangerous situations and entirely unmedicated at the time. A lot of my views have changed, I'm less of an accidental douchebag, and I really don't want to die at all anymore.
-Point the second, I have some big-scary mental health issues (while the jury is still out on whether I am bipolar or have some bizarre combination of clinical depression and ADHD, I have the definitive diagnoses of anxiety disorder, OCD, anorexia-recovered, and PTSD from severe abuse). I use my journal to chart fluctuations in my mood and well-being, so it is not all-happy-posts-all-the-time around here. I do, however, put all potentially upsetting things behind a clearly labelled cut-tag so you don't have to worry about being triggered while reading your friendslist. I welcome any and all advice on the subject, and will take it seriously even if it sounds silly. However, I will not accept criticism on my methods of dealing. I take medication because it seriously improves my day-to-day functionality and use self-soothing techniques I learned when I had a helpful therapist; snide comments will get you slapped.
-Point the third and mostly unimportant, I also use this journal to track my periods. I don't post gory details (that's what
tmi_chix is for) but if you have some bizarre aversion to the natural functions of half the population, skip the entries with the "do not fuck with me" icon.
Now, I'm going to copypasta my profile info just so we're all nice and tidy:
My name is Grace, and I'm pagan, feminist, pro-choice, pro-gay and trans rights (all gay and trans rights, including marriage and being treated as human beings), pro-capital punishment, pro-guns, anti-racist, anti-sexist, hate the war, support our troops, and am rather fond of striped socks.
Welcome to my journal!