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flenceburgsbest March 1 2010, 01:24:06 UTC
[No reply, but boss-man's coming to getcha. Any others may come with while he nabs the evil twin's body and stabilizes Kazahana.]


snowburned March 1 2010, 01:34:03 UTC
[Evil twin is frozen shards on the ground but Lezard is welcome to try and pick up a foot or something.]


flenceburgsbest March 1 2010, 01:37:06 UTC
[He'll take a hand. Then he can literally give people a hand. :|]


snowburned March 1 2010, 01:43:25 UTC
[What is he going to. Like. Shellac it?]


All right kids, quicklog time! All concerned parties over here. flenceburgsbest March 1 2010, 02:02:20 UTC
[A brand new desk item, perfect conversation piece! There's that golden burst of ether and dark magic, and a small bag was carefully set down.]

My, my, dearest Kazahana, you've made a mess of this poor double! I dare say there's hardly anything left of her, HA!

...All right, all right, let's see~

[He had to stabilize her... that was a lot of blood. He got to work, taking fresh bandages and antiseptic from his bag...]


...ew, boss. snowburned March 1 2010, 02:08:27 UTC
I hope not.

[She breathed out harshly, relieved now that someone was here. She didn't feel like dying just yet--but the help was far from unwelcome.]

Took you long enough. Are you getting slow, Lezard?

[...and she wasn't so hurt she couldn't tease him a little. It might reassure him that she'd be all right, even.]


... ... /handcuffs, both of you moonlit_mirage March 1 2010, 02:19:15 UTC
[Not a word as Crow settled on Kazahana's other side, his female body a great deal more petite and less strong than normal.]

I thought I told you to be cautious, Kazahana-san.

[Fortunately the body could still work basic jutsu, the ones he remembered, including the emergency aid.] If I may, Lezard-san...

[It wasn't a question, and Crow's hands, or the hands of the body he currently occupied, glowed blue with faint chakra as he pressed them to Kazahana's wounds, intending to close off the blood flow in those areas temporarily, to give the head medic more time to work.]


Quicklog] heretic_hamlet March 1 2010, 02:34:14 UTC
[The watchman arrived soon after. He eased somewhat upon seeing the head medic beginning to tend to her injuries.]

Your call was heard! Well met, Lezard and Crow.
But Kazahana! Wounded? You shan't know
death so soon. Come, if you've still your sight-

[Carefully, his hands held her form steady by her shoulders; he knew she couldn't be moved so soon. Yet, some combination of his touch and his words- in conjunction with her prior treatments- seeming to breathe the breath right back into her lungs and the clarity back to her senses.]

You've done enough. Wellspring's your home tonight.


Quicklog flenceburgsbest March 1 2010, 02:52:50 UTC
[He chuckled at the quip. She'd be fine.]

I never did like how long it takes to teleport with some degree of accuracy.

[Ah, and here were Crow and Reed to offer their assistance. Upon admiring their handiwork, he set to cleansing the open wounds, then dressed them accordingly. The bag was returned to for a small case filled with syringes of local anesthetic. As much as he'd like to make a show of whipping out the needles, this time he was subtle in the application.]

You have my thanks, Crow. ...Perhaps the chiding for her actions can wait until she has had some time to recover. While she is currently stable, we aren't certain of any lasting effects of the battle at the moment.

[And now, a glance to the remains of the evil twin, then to Reed.]I have staff standing by to admit Kazahana. Would you be so kind as to escort the little lady to Wellspring? Crow is welcome to accompany you, and see to the success of the escort... Hel knows what else might be running about. I would like to examine the remains of this double for a moment, ( ... )


Quicklog snowburned March 1 2010, 03:07:17 UTC
[She was a little surprised that they'd all arrived so fast, but she wasn't complaining. It had been necessary, but her wound hurt like hell until Lezard injected her with...whatever it was. At the moment, she didn't care, and the sting of the needle was nothing in comparison to what she already felt.]

That feels...better. Thank you, Lezard, Reed. I didn't know you could heal.

[She hadn't, had she? She couldn't recall much about Reed, but her head was starting to go a little fuzzy with the painkillers.]

Crow, I was--ow--as cautious as I could be. She was taking people's minds away from them. Couldn't risk it.


Quicklog moonlit_mirage March 1 2010, 03:24:52 UTC
[Crow released his jutsu when Reed and Lezard finished--stalling Kazahana's blood flow to the areas after the wounds were mostly closed would only harm her healing.]

[He stood, glancing around the arena. He heard the words directed at him but chose to ignore them for a moment, that his scolding had been meant more to tease and annoy Kazahana was something he didn't bother to explain. His sense of humor, he knew, was somewhat off to begin with.]

Reed-san, if you would carry her I shall escort you. [A glance at Lezard, a raised eyebrow and a tilt of his head to indicate that if the medic found anything of note, Crow was interested, before he turned and stepped a little away, prepared to escort the other two back to Wellspring.]

[The only advantage to this body was its health and good vision, his ability to sense people was so diminished he almost felt blind in an entirely different sense. He would stay close to Reed and Kazahana, if only because he could not be sure there was no other danger around.]


Quicklog heretic_hamlet March 1 2010, 03:58:01 UTC
[He listened patiently, his grip on Kazahana's shoulders turning to a gentle lifting force- tentatively at first, to see if she was in any condition to rise- and aided her into his arms; she was light enough, and he could hardly ask Crow to carry her in his current state.]

Do rest, Kazahana; you're safe. I'll bear
You o'er to Wellspring, safe within their care.

[One last nod of thanks to Lezard, and one of acknowledgement to Crow. Once he felt her soundly in his arms, he was off to wellspring, his pace thankfully brisk in spite of his passenger...]


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