Aug 26, 2004 10:49
Went and saw Collateral with Tom, Jon and Holly on Holly's last day in town. Not exactly the best movie. It had it's moments but menh, it's one of those movies you'd only watch again if you really wanted to watch a movie and there was nothing else available. Holly's gone now but hopefully we'll get to see her in a few months. Jon said she should come down in Winter and experience the city then, so hopefully she will.
Went to the Heart and Crown last night and met up with Dave, France(girl) Ali(guy) Marcel, Jay and Mike(whom I don't know). Tom came with me *huge smile* so he finally met my cousin. Even if it was for only a short period and he didn't really get to talk to him, just having them there together made me happy.
Dave's leaving on Friday morning to go back to Alberta, so I'm going to try and get off an hour early from work and go to the airport with him. He'll be coming back in October for France and Ali's wedding, but other than that, I probably won't see him again until next summer :(
As much as I never saw Dave before I lived in Ottawa, since I've been here, we've hung out, probably more than we have in our whole lives(exagerating but only a little). And much as I liked Dave before, I like him even better now. He's just a fantastic guy and I'm really going to miss having him around. Plus he's my only family in close range.
Yesterday I was talking to Tom on MSN, discussing that when dave leaves I have no one. Do you know how much that sucks? I'm extremely family oriented and the fact that I no longer have any family close is really depressing. I almost cried yesterday but I pulled myself together just in time. I don't even know if I'm going to be able to get home for Christmas, and if I don't, it'll be my first Christmas away from my family, and worse than that, I'll be all alone... on Christmas... what a rip.
Happy note, I got invited to a thanksgiving dinner, so I won't be alone for that :)