Title: Careful What You Wish For (Part One)
Author: Snowbunny22
Rating: PG
Characters: Richard Winters, Ronald Speirs, Zenon Kar
Pairing: None
Words: Approx. 536
Spoilers: None
Warnings: AU fic based off of the world of
hearts_andminds Hageneau was the first time in a long time the men were station in a place with things like running water, hot food, and roofs over their heads. They didn’t get pulled off the line like they had been promised, but Hageneau was the next best thing. The Germans stayed on their side of the river and the Allies in their side and neither of them wanted to make a stupid move so late in the war.
Captain Winters and Lieutenant Speirs stood inside company CP, staring at a map of the village across the river, trying to decide what the easiest route the patrol that night could take to avoid any unwanted mistakes. They were focused, hard eyes on the thin lines and dots, when they heard it - ‘Zedis Lapedis!’ - and looked at each other. A moment passed where neither men said anything and then Winters broke the silence.
“It couldn’t be...”
Spiers was the first to turn on his heels, striding in the direction of the sound, with Winters close on his heels. Speirs came to a stop when he turned the corner, blinked, and then rubbed his eyes with his hand. “Jesus Christ.”
A short, blonde-haired fourteen year-old teenager sat stuck inside a crate filled with K-rations. She was struggling to pull herself out, huffing and heaving as she pushed at the sides of the crate. It was only when Winters pushed passed Speirs and offered her a hand, that Zenon was pulled out and set onto her feet.
Her eyes widened when she realized who she was looking at. “Zedis Lapedis! It worked. It really worked!”
Speirs let out a series of grumbles and took a step forward. “What worked?”
Zenon looked from Winters to Speirs and a bright, excited smile appeared. “I came here! Someone said if I wished macro hard, that it would happen, and it did!” She almost bounced with excitement at the fact. The excitement did not seem to be shared by either men.
“Zenon,” Winters crouched and put a hand on her shoulder, “You shouldn’t be here, it’s not safe.”
The teenage girl looked like she might pout, but didn’t. “But you’re all here.”
“We’re soldiers, Zenon. We’re supposed to be here.” Speirs’s lips tightened in a small frown and his arms crossed over his chest.
“Lieutenant.” Winters looked over his shoulder. “I want you to arrange transport for Zenon to Battalion HQ.” Speirs nodded and exited the room, determined to follow the order as quickly as possible. The sooner Zenon was off the line, the safer it was for everyone.
“I don’t want to go.”
Winters looked back at Zenon with a stern, but fond expression. “You have to. It’s not safe here. I want you to be safe.”
Zenon frowned, “but…”
“No buts, private.”
She sighed. “Yes sir...”
Somewhere outside the panicked voice of a soldier sounded - ‘In coming!’ - and the transportation would have to wait. The Germans were sending over another round of artillery and they all had to take cover.
Winters took hold of Zenon’s hand and moved quickly for the stone stairs that lead into the basement, meeting Speirs along the way. Only the moment they made it down into the cellar, the roof over the stairs collapsed, blocking the only exit.
“Great.” Speirs groaned.