Nov 14, 2004 22:01
i left skool friday at 1:30 cuz i was gong home w/ brittney and she was getting alergie shots
and we wee supposed to go to cortneys and then kyles (whare i was supposed to get laid...alaura wanted me to fuck kyle to c if he was any good or not...-lol-)and then find somewhare to crash 4 the night... buuuut......
we didnt end up going cuz brittney chickened out so we just went to her grandmas all weekend instead. while we were there we went mud runnin and brittney got grounded off the 3 wheeler cuz she was talking and driving at the same time(i was on the back) and she almost hit a tree, then she fish tailed it to miss the tree and almost hit ANOUTHER tree and then swerved to miss that and almost went into the pond but she hit the brakes just in she almost took my life and then saved it...i love
then I got kicked off the quad cuz i was goin down this really zig-zaggy trail and brandon(her 12yr old brother that was on the back) told me to hit the gas and i did and i didnt turn fast enough on one of the zigz and i hit a tree and fliped it, i screemed and went flying and he got tangled in it and when it flipped he smashed his head on anouther tree and has a half inch hole in his head now, but then i was ontop of him and he was screeming "ahh my leg my leg!" so i got up and ran over to get it off him and it took all my strength cuz the quad was compleately upside down and when i got him out of it their g-ma came running and helped us flip it over and brandon drove it into the yard and i got like a 6x6 inch brouse on my ass and he got a scraped up arm, back, and leg and a hole in his was so scarry
then i went inside and helped britt make cookies and cup-cakes and then we watched the perfect score and passed out on the couches then in the morning we bernt french toast...sorry, BRITTNEY bernt french toast and we watched honey and went to a baby shower whare we had a cool whip fight and we talked about justin and other ppl
then i came home and did my homework, laundry, and the dishes and called ricky back cuz he had called on saterday
and he just wanted some booty so i told him i had to go ad ide call him later.......
and 4 what happened thursday after skool read brianas journal cuz i dont feel like typing anymore, hers is only3berrybri
later w/ pimp love