Sep 06, 2005 17:41
So yesterday was real fun after hanging out with ross most the day he had to leave to go back to college then i get a call later from him saying he wanted to comeover with his friend Gram to smoke Huka cause Gram has his own huka which is sweet!! So they cameover we chilled on my porch and my mom didnt care the cool thing about it is she did it too! haha anyways my mom was so chill she even gave us some amaretto which is this amazing almond lequor she was being way cool last night which is surprising cause sometimes yeah not the greatest person to be around. After that i was going to stephs at 9:30 so ross takes me there steph and i finish the goodie bags for the little freshman bitches and then we dont go to bed till 1 and we have to wake up at 6 cause we have to be at school at 7:45 so we leave stop at starbucks and then head to school...we sit around then have the opening assembly for the freshman then we find our groups and take them to the class room. Ug being a link Leader was kinda fun/gay i felt bad cause im so used to takin charge sense i work at build a bear that i talked alot and steph was kinda like wtf i feel bad i kinda need to work on that. Our group was pretty cool we had some ppl that would not shut up! Your suppose to act all nice and funny and bubbly so i joked around with them alot. Then later this little frosh called me annoying i was like are you fuckin serious im a senior and your a freshman you want your life to be hell!? it was stupid so we got a big lunch break cause we didnt really need to be there when the freshman were going though there classes. So steph and i went tanning and to McDonalds then to the mall. Went back to the closing assembly and just left cause we really didnt need to be there it was so stupid and pointless. Uhh i really dont wanna go back to school. In fact im kinda scared to be a senior i know it will be fun but uhh i dunno i really just want this year to be over so i can enjoy summer again and go to college cause thats where i want to be....Anyways im super duper tired so i think im going to go rest for awhile! Catch ya on the flip side!