Work ended on a sour note. I'm desperate to find good project management software for may dozens of projects. I have a biggie with a major data center move happening in the next 2-3 months. Lots of tasks, lots of timelines and lots of headaches. Was trying some new stuff called @task and tried loading up a single project. After an hour of building the information, the software lost it. Grrrr...
Brother came by to watch Heroes again and catch up on some other TV. After he left I finally got down to the business of reviewing candidates for tomorrow (er, today since it is now 0137). Feels more like I'm voting for judges than anything else on this ballot. I used the
Durham Herald-Sun Votebook (local newspaper) to evaluate the candidates with standard questions for everyone. Printed up a sample ballot, filled it in and ready to hit the polls tomorrow.
Oh, yeah, beard is slowly coming in...
Mom hates it which only give me more motivation to keep it going.