Laundry is the bane of my life

Jun 15, 2005 16:37

So I just spent the entire day doing laundry, folding laundry and delivering laundry to the right room. It sucks. If I could put the clothes in the washer, move them to the dryer and skip the folding life would be cool. I hate folding.

I also signed up for myspace (cause kelly made me) and talked to my neighbor after I walked the dog. I prolly burned some skin off the bottom of my feet from running up/down the hill. Blacktop isn't pretty in 80 degree weather. Ouchies. And now I have nothing to do. Except more laundry. Baby laundry, for that matter. My parents want me to wash all the baby clothes we have so we can send them to our cousins who are pregnant. Maybe not, cause I'm not in the mood to differentiate between darks/whites/delicates. I should just dump the entire box in there and get it done in one go.

Yep, so once again I'm bored with nothing to do. I'm tempted to go get some food but I'm not exactly hungry so I think I'll just wait awhile. I'll prolly end up doing the baby laundry so I have something to do. Its very pathetique, ne? (*sigh* yes I know i spelled it wrong. i'm bored. back off)

Mmkay so I got nothing else worth mentioning. Laterz
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