Aug 04, 2005 08:26
Monday-Started drivers and went to my aunts after that, slept over kyles with ethan meghan dv and molly, it was a good time. Watched Laguna and hung out for a few hours then walked to wal-mart and got the usual stuff at about 1 ish. Ate and started watching some movie that was the same as like wrong turn and it sucked. ended up trying to sleep in the back room but then the pull out couch fell through to the floor and me and danielle laughed for a while then we started like crying because it was all dusty and made your eyes puffy and made you unable to breathe, so we traded with ethan who had the good bed :). Kyle and molly suck and got the air mattress and they didn't sleep and like dressed up and woke us up to show us their stupid vera wang wedding dresses.
Tuesday-slept until 1 when my phone alarm went off and i woke up and like everyone had left? so i called my dad and then came home and went to drivers eventually. Walked to Chelsea's after drivers, Greg, Steph, Corey, Johnny, and two people from out of town? were there. Stayed there for an hour, everyone left and then me greg and chelsea went to togo's and met up with tara. Eventually ended up at Sandy Knoll and met up with Steph, Molly, Kyle to play cherry drop :-D. Tom, Serra, and Kevin showed up later and we all just hung out for awhile and Serra, Tom, and Kevin drove me home eventually. Went to bed when i got home.
Wednesday-Woke up at 6 for my first drive, got to peter white at 7, Lynne drove first, then Kirsten, then me. Ugh. Came home at like 9:30 and went back to sleep until 12 ish and kyle came over and we walked to Subway and then back to my house and then i went to drivers, walked to frosty treats after and Eric and all of them were there, talked to them for a while then walked to my house, saw them again by the highschool lol. Changed clothes then met up with Luke and Reyes, Greg showed up and Reyes left and we walked to Hardee's and saw Ashley working there. Walked around town for a while, stopped at the beach, no one was there. Luke left and me and greg went to my house, except greg sucks and left me at the highschool. Got home and went to sleep.
Today-Woke up at 6 and went to Peter White for 7 and Drove first today and got dropped off here, now i'm going to go back to bed or something.