May 22, 2008 23:22
I'm so frustrated because I have no time to do anything. My allergies are so bad down in south jersey that I'm completely exhausted all the time. I refuse to buy my new allergy pills because the copay is $50 and the same goes for my eye drops. Which I had to pay for because I didn't know the price when I filled the prescription. Seriously these drops better make me see Jesus or Moses when I use them because I could have bought Mario kart for my wii with that money!!!
Back to bring frustrated. I work 12 hour days and then I come home and work a few more hours. I work Saturdays before jeremy comes over or while he is here. And yesterday my boss says I need to step up and take on MORE work. More? Are you kidding me? He had this hour long talk regarding my work and he had both good and bad things to say and it was so hard to hold back tears while I was in there. I've been in a bad mood since then and I spent most of today behind closed doors moping in my office.
I need to do things like vacuum and laundry and clean up but I don't have time because by the time I get home from work, all I want to do is lay on the couch and eat.
I'm so burnt out and I know I'm gonna crash soon. I need a vacation.