Wishes Do Come True :)

May 09, 2011 01:09

I can't believe that this is actually happening guys :"""""""">. I just watched the first episode of YanYan JUMP yesterday and… when you think about it… Some time ago, I was still wishing, hoping, and praying that there will be a show just for JUMP where they will present their skills in sports and let us know about their real personalities. And VOILA! POOF! There it is, showing right now! Oh, thanks so much to the One above <33333333. And hey, hey, hey ~ JUMP's 7th single on June 29.. How awesome can it get?! \m/ ~! JUMP is really making its way to the top, huh :). Am so proud as a fan :"""""""">. <3. Love those guys so much <3!

Also, am having a hang-over. Even if we were out on Desert Safari yesterday, I'm still thinking about P'Shone and Nam ♥v♥. LOVE THOSE TWO! But the ending was suuuuuch a cliffy ;( There's not much ShoNam moments ;(. Although nothing can compare to that notebook P'Shone gave… I KNEW THE ROSE CAME FROM HIM! HE'S JUST THE TYPE THAT GIVES A ROSE THAT STILL HAS ROOTS AND SOIL ATTACHED TO IT! Okay, hyperventilating fangirl much?? To make things simple, P'Shone is absolutely adorkably lovable<3!!!!!!!!!!!!

So yea, it's already midnight! And… I'll make the birthday post tomorrow so that I can have some time to write it and because it'll be 9 here tomorrow :). Bye guys :).

sleeps, hoping that her braces would be removed tomorrow [-O<. Goodnight, mayumanitechar<3.


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