ANYWAY, Who's your favourite backstreet boy. I'm shutting up now. haha.
I made Chrissy update her livejournal, everyone should love me and my magical persuasive skills that I possess. Sooo..
French: We did some thingy about Chapter 8, talked to Emiily H. I LOVE YOU EMILY :D! Shayla said the boy in the book looked grimy and some other stuff that made me laugh a lot.
Math: I remember him talking about numbers and me and Molly looking for my ducky umbrella.. which wasn't there. I'm so sad now.. I really miss my ducky umbrella. Second Umbrella I've lost in school.
English: Talked to Emily s'more~ I still think you should come to arcade and watch Caitlin and her disgustingly good skills at DDR. Althoooouuuugh
She is disgustingly good too XD! I'VE SEEN THE IMAGES. AAA or AA. *shakes head* Fo' Goodness.. Fo' Goodness. That made no sense. I saw Macbeth's heading getting chopped off today. It was awkward.
Biology: Had the test. Messed up on the beginning part. I said, "humans need o2 and give off 02 in cellular respiration. Blah. Blah. Did some worksheet. Saw the grades yaya. She has me down for a 89% Although, I have a 93% on my gradesheet. Odd.
Then it was lunch and I had lemonade. I need to start eating lunch. I skip breakfast and now I hardly have anything for lunch.. I blame school :/ 1hr30 blocks, and then lunch is only 30mins. Lunch should be 45 mins or so. Damn lucky french kids with their 2 hour lunch periods.
Choir: We sang some weird ass songs today. Today, this very pretty boy walked in and he had a bandana around his wrist. it was stylish.
Health: Some talk thing. CONDOMS DON'T PROTECT YOUR HEART. Damn right, biotch. LOVE DOES!
Then I came home. And we're selling our house :D! Hallabellujah.
Yeah Peace out. I have homework (the evil evil)
And Emily H: We should so watch Degrassi together on June 4th :D!
Now. I'm out. Fo' real.