Art courtesy of LB
A new republic under Mark Edward the Great, though with a tad less Nazi and a tad more Stalin or preferably Pinochet. That does have a nice ring to it. If you want me to dry something I could try, but unfortunately I haven't very much capability in that respect, so perhaps it might more advantageous to attempt a slightly different manner of work in area of musical composition. But I digress.
I have decided my new goal is to conquer Luxembourg, naming Luxembourg Deux by popular demand. And there would be lots of Japanese Noodle houses, because I like to eat quite often steaming hot ramen. Such a radical culinary development would probably justify the added number to name of Luxembourg. As you see there are pretty people involved in the montage as well, well it is not obvious but it's there. I was assured of that. So that will be the foundation of the new order, beautiful people and ramen, and a the economy of Luxembourg. I shall have to take control of Switzerland as well. I have heard that it can be a dangerous task; the Swiss can blow up all their bridges simulataneously, which could somehow thwart my air attack in an unknown but inherently Swiss and therefore clever fashion. This way I might get all my watches in order so that I can know what time it is. Andorra is next. Monaco too. I have always wanted my own casino, and an army of a couple million might make it happen.
And we will have go-karts for everyone, and it will be marvelous. It shall be like the circus, and there shall be grand parades every third Tuesday of every second month. Yes, grand parades, with bands with shiny red uniforms. In fact everything will be so shiny it could be considered a hazard to the ocular senses. I shall insist everything be shiny, so shiny that as a side effect we can export the excess Vitamin D that will be produced to poorer places like Africa. Yes and everyone will be happy. It will be the law. Violators will be prosecuted, and fines imposed, with some capital punishments most likely in order. Free speech will be free monetarily. No one will ever have to pay by the word again! And we will have grand avenues paved in marble pillage from Rome, for I would have founded a New Rome, Luxembourg II, a New Holy Roman Empire, aspiring only to be empirical and new, but the holy Roman thrown in for class. It would be quite classy, with the big cars, and the people in the streets cheering me. I would stand and wave, speaking German, completing the domination complex over and over and over again for hours upon hours, of good rhetoric. And the good people will be exalted, the poor people exalted, and Marx will laugh in his grave. Marx and I have similar names, therefore I shall have to build the perfect socialist state, but with me leading but a dictatorship of 10 grand years, and a perfect society for 10,000. It will be the First Reich of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, the little state everybody used for a bargaining pawn, shall now find its place in the sun, and in fact it shall have all of it. As there is only enough sun for me and my people, to join us is life and to leave will leave you with a much grander problem, a second Napoleon coming to conquer the world.
Emperor Mark Edward the Great, Kaiser of Luxembourg and its United Provinces of Europe