Job interview

May 27, 2004 21:56

So today I was interviewed for my internship. There was only one tiny problem: the interviewer was expecting a MIT college graduate. That was the first the question, just before how many years of calculus I had taken. I wonder how people like him, who call to a HIGH SCHOOL looking for physics majors, stay in business. The office was nice enough, though a bit messy and haphazard. It was two floors from the penthouse of the N. Century Twin Tower. He had a hot asian secretary who really did about as much as the one in the producers. She took a couple minutes figuring out why I had come for the appointment she had booked for me with Mr. Teppert. It was good experience though. I have this weird hunch I am not going to get the job, perhaps because I am not in my third year of calculus and could not explain the mechanics of the Von Neumann machine. What the guy wants is an engineer that is free. I guess that is not me.

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