(no subject)

Mar 20, 2004 18:28

Ten bucks on the white horse with the French beret come in first with odds 10000 to 1 in the middle of the hot Summer day of July Fifth in the middle of a quarrel and a battle against he was forced to lose.

But enough, I have a poker hand but it is washed up on the river and through the woods to Grandmother's house that we ride for the horse knows to carry the sleigh in the freezng temperatures.

--- Rocky from the Rocky and Bullwinkle Cartoon of the Ancient Times

There are too many stressors to cause me to have to jump train and catch the plane away from this place in whcih I do reside and live and work and am forced into the slavery of the world and the writing and homework and music that continues to play the band that plays on and on and on never stopping to allow one ot catch their breath as I play along with the song and collapse dead of exhaustion but forced to rise from the grave for the next as everyman and anyman rely on me to do something with all the debts and all the expectations everyone has for me and everyone else, but I will walk and trudge to the point of the redemption that exists not or works not and that will be my fall and my demisde, but what of that as I must now finish hours of pages of reading, writng and arithmetic, arranging letters and numbers in random forms to please those that control a life that has no meaning and is only there for itself and to provide that which is needed but does not exist that fly through my mind as I think and never act just sitting and watching the consequence kill me with the blunt edge of a fine sword that has the words Carpe Diem et Existas Liberatum in bad Latin and that makes my mind to be overwhelmed as I watch the river of my pain and my happinees flow I jump in and fall to drown within myslef until I can recover and exit refreshed and anewed and renewed, a new man built from the tarneished steel of the old, the broken that had been resmelted and forged to be stronger but yet no the same without the same power or strength as the old.
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