(no subject)

Jun 25, 2010 05:14

There is a a tv show that I just happened upon which centres around the lives of classmates when they grow up. At the end of the episode, one of the character's poses existential questions in regards to where they were, compared to where they are now. And it made me think.

About who I was and who I am.
Where I thought I was going and where I've been.

What have I accomplished since that time?
Have I changed?
Am I happy?
Am I where I thought I'd be?
Am I who I thought I'd be?

The answer?

I am almost an entirely different person now.
My musical tastes have changed, my tastes in clothes have changed, my dream career has changed, the direction of my life has changed, my perspective of life has changed.
I have climbed mountains, and fallen down in the dirt more times than I can count. I have lived in darkness and bathed in light.
I have made and lost friends, lovers, family, my self.
Once I strived for the acceptance of others; now I only live to meet the standards of my soul.
I longed for love, and now I have it and long to share it.
As for accomplishments; I have done many things in my life that others would qualify as accomplishments, and things that others would qualify as failures.  
But, I am blessed in God and the soulmates He has blessed me with, that have not only been there when the storm was over, but stood by me when it raged, in whose love I am both liberated, and have seen all the beauty the world has to and could ever offer.
But I have always followed my heart and soul, I love and am loved, and to me, these are the greatest accomplishments of (my) life. To me, this makes up a life fulfilled.
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