(no subject)

Apr 15, 2010 08:07

Thich Nhat Hanh says that understanding and compassion are the foundations of right action.
I was taught to believe something my entire life. I didn't know any different. This was what I was always taught.
I'm not sure if I always knew it was wrong, or if as I grew older, I became more mindful, wiser, and thus, the understanding in my heart that it was wrong, grew. As a result, so did my suffering at this action; each time this action was performed. Before I left for the Vipassna meditation centre, this specific battle erupted.
When I left, I forgot all about it.
When I came back, it happened again, almost conditionally instinctually; simply out of habit - and I realized that it was no longer just that, I remembered the suffering it caused and the adversity that I had grown to it before; it was that it was no longer a part of me, my system, my very being. 
I have changed. Simple as that.
I feel as though...it as if there were poison(s) within me before, and now...they are flowing out of me - perhaps slowly, but the point is that they are.
And their absence is being filled with even more love and compassion, which I hope to continue to cultivate and spread like the sun onto all others.
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