So, much like
milky, I haven't posted in forever. I blame that damn MySpace. It's taking up my whole life just figuring out how to use the bare minimum of the options on that thing. I'm not even blogging on there, & it still takes me forever. I blame you, Jenny. This is all your fault.
Work is still going about the same, which is mostly fantastic, although I did just come off of a really stressful, terrible week. I won't bore you with the minutiae of a teacher's job, but it was the first time that the whole submitting of the grades process really really bit me in the ass. Usually I coast through that, but this was a mildly different process, and, like a sap, I allowed kids to do extra credit projects 'til the very last second, which meant I had 40+ gigantic projects to grade and enter, as well as finalizing three classes worth of grades. Needless to say, I was behind & late, and I had a real "Office Space" experience insofar as I had about eight or nine different people all yelling at me about my mistakes. Not to mention all the kids, whose grades were compromised & not "right." It really, really blew. Stress.
I also just came off of a really poor period. Stupid, fantabulous new bed. Times were rough for a bit (thought I was going to bounce the rent check, but a speed-drive after school to Williston to deposit the paycheck saved my ass--what kind of place doesn't offer direct deposit?!).
So...I have a date tonight. Not with the waiter guy, who has called quite often to "chat" & turns out to be boring & borderline stupid. This is date number 2 (in 2 days) with the brother of a student. Yeah. She set us up. As in, harassed me for months, & when that got her nowhere (I can, occasionally, summon the ability to be a professional), she gave him my email off the syllabus. So last night was my first ever blind date. Engineered by a 15-year old. We talked on the phone once, Thursday night. I was so nervous beforehand that I literally threw up; Whitney essentially had to crisis-negotiate me out the door. I was shaking as I opened the door to the bar, & then he was right there, saying "You must be Kristie." Initally, I loved the personality but wasn't crazy about the exterior, but the more we talked, the cuter I started to think he was. I'm ashamed to admit that it was the balding. Apparently I'm that shallow that that was all I noticed. He actually has a really cute face, decent body. Yeah, I suck. I'm sorry. :#( Drinks, dinner, etc. It was amazing. He paid for everything, despite my protests (genuine, I promise), and then introduced me to all his friends after dinner, since neither of us wanted to call it a night. One of his best friends turned out to be a teacher I work with at the school; she was pretty trashed & kept exclaiming how happy she was & how cute we were, then offered to tell me his flaws at lunch on Monday. Then, ironically, his birth father and his wife & their daughter (so my date's half sister) were at the last bar we hit with his friends; there was a death & they came up from Georgia. So on Date #1 I met all the friends & half the family! Luckily I was just sloshed enough to be chill, but not so sloshed as to embarass myself. They were talking about coming up for Christmas and saying they hoped they'd see me, & it was kind of a weird moment, so I said, "Well, whether I see you or not, I hope you can make it up." The father was like, "I like this girl," & my date said, "Me too." They were like, "So how long have you known each other?" & I said "Since 7:00." =D He dropped me off & turned out to be a pretty fantastic kisser. I love older men. Tonight it's dinner & a movie in Stowe. I like him. He opens doors. He pays. He does that thing, where he like, walks kind of behind you and has his arm around you but not touching you, like he's helping or guiding or something. I can't explain that move; you have to have seen it. He tells me I'm "stunning." He's smart & puts up with my mocking. He's an incredible brother and uncle. He talks about taking me places in the future. He does all the calling ahead for reservations.
And, miraculously for me, I did not sleep with him yet. Okay, okay,I wanted to. Did I mention he's an amazing kisser? Holy shit I wanted to. But he put the kibash on that, saying "There will be more nights for that."
Argh, don't jinx it!!! Shh. It's not going well & I don't really like him. There, that should take care of it. =P
Gotta go get ready. I'll try to do better with the posts.