(no subject)

May 01, 2006 11:48

Okay, so I finally have time to post (a whole 12 minutes) because I got called to sub for Block 3. It's an art class, which is great; I can just sit there & grade while they paint, & it's only Block 3, not 4, so I can go home & run in the awesome sunny weather still.

So I just got back from our Spring Break. I couldn't afford to go anywhere or do anything, but it was so nice to just not do anything. It was like in Office Space: "I did nothing. I did nothing, and it was everything I thought it could be." I just watched tv, exercised, ate, played video games, etc. Spent a lot of time with the family. I did minimal work on my portfolio, even though I promised everyone I would try to finish it. I just can't get motivated. I mean, sure I'll be out like $7000, but I just cannot envision myself ever again in a classroom. At least not as the teacher. I can't take it anymore and I just have no desire to finish the process. My confidence is completely shot, and to be honest, whether it's my fault or theirs, the whole thing has really undermined what used to be good teaching. I think I really suck now. I just can't bring myself to do it. A low point was when I ran into someone I used to know this week & she asked, "What are you up to now?" She was so impressed when I said teaching, and I realized when I got in the car that it was the first time I'd felt motivated to work on my portfolio in months. You can't want to be a teacher only because it impresses people, and at this point, that's really all I feel that it has to offer me.

Friday I went to lunch with Michelle (mmmm, Chef's Corner), & then brought her to my parents' house in Essex. She's houseshopping & the house across the street is for sale. She's getting me a job waitressing where she does; apparently the money's good, so I can start now, supplement the basically nothing I'm currently making, and then work full-time this summer. Hey, it's not much but it's better than teaching, and it buys me some time to send resumes anywhere and everywhere.

Let's see...my birthday Saturday was good. Not phenomenal, but good. Dinner was great, my grandmother made me a meat pie, and the carrot cake was so good! It's the only time each year I get carrot cake 'cause no one else likes it, but it's my birthday so I say so! I got mostly money, but some DVDs (Gilly, Season 5 & "Sleepless in Seattle"--inside joke with my sister) and some Swedish Fish (my absolue favourite candy).

Ooh and I've been fake tanning & it's like the tannest I've ever been (which isn't all that tan, really, but hey, they don't call me The Albino for nothing!). At least it's safer; I'm getting concerned about being outside!

Okay, I guess that's it!
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