I hate my job. I really, really do.
Which leads me to my big news for the week. I made a joke awhile back to my students about maybe moving to Ottawa. Then, this week, I got a call from a parent who offered me a job--provided I move to Canada. Um...yes? Are you kidding? That would be awesome! So she's going to give me a presentation the Monday we get back from the Winter Vacation (which is all of next week). Essentially she said the job is mine if I want it. Only thing is, it's
this place. Anyone care to weigh in? It looks kind of cheesy, but still...it's a job. And I get to move to Ottawa. Which would be killer. And today her son came in & said, "Are you taking the job? They give you a Mercedes!"
I've also got a lead on a job in publishing if I stay in Vermont. Which is equally killer, except for the staying in Vermont part, but I think I wouldn't mind so much if I could move downtown or something...so I don't want to get my hopes up, but at least things are looking better for next year. Tentatively. *knocks on wood*
I leave tomorrow to go to Ottawa for about four days. That's going to be so awesome; I've missed Brittany & Canada (in that order, of course). The whole staying in the aparmtent with her & Dean together (but still broken up) is going to be a tad awkward, but I'm trying to ignore it & focus on all the fun we'll have. Even though she has to work & go to class here & there.
Eek, gotta go! The bell just rang. If I don't catch you again, everyone have a great next week & a half, & I'll be back by next Monday at the latest! MWAH!