May 23, 2005 10:11
The weekend was fun, but way, way too short. The party on Saturday was actually a ton of fun. Lots of good food, lots of people to talk to, the hostess' house & husband & kids turned out to be so nice, and the guest of honour loved her gifts. Lots of photos were taken (luckily none of me, to the best of my knowledge) and then after the gorging, one of the other teachers & I went outside with the kids to toss a football around. Then Nate came out & a game was organized, & I have to say, it was my proudest moment: for the first time in my life, I was the first one chosen for an athletic endeavour. The hostess' little son chose me first. It was so cute! We also got the better teacher on our team, yet even with a tiny boy & a 7th grade girl, Nate managed to trounce us. I made my first ever touchdown, though. Not bad, considering it was the first time I ever played football, too!!!
Then Mark & I played Heroes of Might & Magic III 'til like 2:00am. What a fun game!!! How did I not know about this game until now!?!?! We basically played all day yesterday, too.
I just bought a really nice aloe plant at the botany class's plant sale. $2. Nice. Especially since I'll probably kill it within like a week. Our parting gifts on Saturday were little basil plants, & I never realized how fun plant gifts are to receive! I repotted mine yesterday and kept running upstairs just to look at it. I love plants! And I'm so terrible with them! Just one more reason I'm never having kids; I can't even care for things that are barely alive!
I find out this week basically if I got the job here. Although I guess if I do I'm legally not allowed to tell people 'til Juneish. I'm also supposed to have my callback interview at CVU on Friday morning. Ooh & I'm chaperoning the Montreal field trip all day Thursday. I'm excited to be back on the ol' turf. And shopt. So that's the update on this end.