May 28, 2007 16:49
So I checked my cell after work Saturday and saw that my BFF, Chris, had called me. He and Angie were in town and I met them immediately at Circuit City. We did a little shopping there, then moved on to Target and Hastings after that. We decided as we were driving over to Hastings that we should go bowling. Though it would be weird not to have Jack with us, but since he and Chris broke up, we needed to make bowling our thing and not to just be memories of him. So after Hastings we went to the bowling alley. While we were bowling we noticed a rather cute guy bowling alone. Chris was absolutely adamant that somehow he be given my number. After trying to convince him numerous times that it wasn't going to happen, I finally just bit the bullet. Going right over to the guy I handed him the piece of paper Chris had written my name and number on and told him: "My friend insists that I give you my number." I handed it to him and he chuckled, saying okay and I walked off. Chris wasn't exactly happy with that approach. He preferred that I drop the paper near his phone. For he assumed the guy would see it and then try to call it to see whom it was. Not very many people would do that, hehe. Though I thought he should be proud of the fact that I took the more direct approach, for that is a rarity for me. Though, later I noticed a girl finally come and socialize with him. I assume it was probably his girlfriend. Needless to say, the guy hasn't called me, and probably never will. No skin off my nose, really. But it was rather exciting to do that. I like to burst from my shell now and again. It's kind of like an adreniline rush, heart pounding and feeling rather shakey and not too mention, a blush. Chris had also told me that earlier in the week when we ate at the Black-Eyed Pea that he left my number for our waiter. We were talking about how cute he was, but he did seem a bit young. Another no caller. But, it doesn't bother me at all, for what would I say? "Uh, friend left you my number 'cause we thought you were cute?" Haha, although, Chris also said it was to see whom he'd prefer me or him. Haha. Chris is so crazy and so random. I love that guy. There is no wonder why he's my best friend.