Actually, it's the kind of amusement that one might have when they had a series of events gone wrong. You know how they start to laugh maniacally because they just reached their breaking point? And if you worked with the people I did, you could understand how I could easily get the jealousy idea. There's more drama in this place than a soap opera at times. If my performance has slacked at all, it's due to the lack of respect and the wishy-washiness of managers and the procedures they want to enforce. We're supposed to stay by the main exit door, but we have to give over-rides down at other ends of the store. I let someone know where I'm going, but it's not good enough. I get a warning that I move away from the door too much and if it keeps up then I'll be written up. Yet, earlier they said it was fine to be mobile and considered it all the front end, now they said no. That someone has to stand by the door. They used to say it had to be another head cashier or above, and now it can be everyone. I'm just pretty much fed up and completely over this job. However it pays for the bills for now and I put up with it. Besides, it was more serious for him than me and it got resolved, so now we can kind of laugh at it. *shrugs as well* Just in case you needed to know further about the situation.
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