Long day and I slept in...DX

Mar 12, 2008 13:14

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Black Ring: summarize Manga volume 2

Late March 11:
You know what I’d really like to write? Horror, that would be frickin’ awesome. And I wish I could or I wish I could find some really good horror fanfiction. But I don’t know, I somehow do not think I’d be very good at writing it. ^^; I mean, I really don’t scare easily so it would take a lot for me to write something scary! Although, I suppose I could type up some old dreams, I’m not sure they’re so much scary as they are trippy or suspenseful. XD

Cherri says I could write horror because I know what’s really, truly scary and what not. Or at least that I can write suspense. But I don’t know. XD I think I‘d be bad at it. Mayhaps I should outline something like that and do it for the Super Challenge at Plot Whole. But I already have a ton of things to finish typing up.

And so it just occurs to me, but it looks like Dark side of the Moon got deleted. DX Which I would imagine was for the first chapter being a large story note. DX Sadly I’m pretty sure I added before story notes were an option…XP So I’ll need to fix that on top of the current list I have. Shoot me

March 12:

So my books get sent to me and I get charged, blah blah blah. So I get my history book today and I can tell just by looking at it: it’s used. Not in great shape, sadly, but I figure I can deal with it. So I open it up to flip through it and someone kept their notes in the book. There’s writing everywhere and just…URGH.

That pisses me off. If you’re not going to keep the book, do not write or highlight in it. Use index cards or a notebook to keep your fricking notes. Hell, I hardly highlight in text books I keep.

My point is you shouldn’t write in books. IT HURTS THEM! ;_;
Okay well it hurts me.


It just strikes me as inconsiderate is all. [/books]

The one where I feel like I have a million things to say and no one to hear them. I feel jittery and anxious, alone, and yet like everyone is watching me.

Ugh, I wonder what brought it on, because I was fine earlier…dammit. Maybe it was the book…

So anyways, I’m very finicky about getting used items. Specifically for the reason you never know what someone will leave behind. I know that sounds weird, I just, can’t deal with it. I always try to buy things new. It’s why I don’t like shopping, it’s why I can’t go into antique stores and it’s why I don’t go out into public most of the time.

Let’s just say the less people between me and an item the better. Yes I’m childish like that, but I have my reasons. That’s also another reason I don’t particularly like lending things out or borrowing. I can usually count on it not coming back as nice as it left.

I’ve had to leave a book next to chocolate just to make the bad vibes go away.
Now I’m just rambling…

writing, school, bad day, fos

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