Sunday already?

Dec 29, 2013 10:40

Slowly working on site updates! WHOO. Tartarus has a new layout now. Squalo is going to have to deal with it. Elysian Fields also got a new layout! YAY! Although, its apparently impossible for me to make a layout for this site that isn’t blue. Oh well! Blue works for Takeshi! (And yes, pinks work for Squalo. /dealwithit)

I’m thinking of using Tsuna and Xanxus for Merry-go-Round or Colonello. I haven’t decided yet, but it would work either way. But that’s a task for tomorrow. Although, I should be working on Solstice too. I just am not sure how to start the pages for Elsa! I’ve typed up my thoughts on Anna, but I’m wondering if I should change that too. Editing it wouldn’t be too hard.

Slowly playing Mana Khemia 2, I’m doing well in the classes so I have tons of extra free time. I have been knocking out the character stories! I like Goto, Enna, and Pepperoni, but I’m not too fond of Ulrika and Chloe still. I don’t know if that’ll change (ever).

Picked up Black and Blue, it’s a romance novel that Cherri got me for Christmas. It’s one of those things you know is going to be absolutely ridiculous going in. I plan on getting through it before the New Year as I have a ton of books I really want to read next year! I created a list of books I definitely want to read for the year. I’m sure I’ll find more.

Heaven’s Network is Wide Updates:
Tartarus - New Layout!
Elysian Fields - New Layout!

websites: merry go round, websites: layout, books: romance novels, games: mana khemia 2

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