Always try to do my best!

Dec 12, 2013 06:33

I will sub for the first time today! I am nervous and excited. On one hand, I may always be nervous to sub in someone else’s classroom. On the other, it is for one of the kindergarten classes that I’m in every week. Mrs. P said it will be an easy day. I’m hoping that the kids agree with that! Also, I know if I really need help, Mrs. W is right next door. This will be good experience for me. I already know the classroom routine and children, so that’ll really help too. They also already know me, so there should be les adjustment time than someone completely new coming in. I also know the majority of the staff that I’ll be working with today, so I feel very comfortable about that.

Here’s what I’m hoping for with all my positive energy today:
1. My students are unharmed.
2. My students do their best.
3. Every student is feeling well (so that we can avoid a second vomiting on stage issue).
4. I will have the strength and patience to do what I need to do.
5. I will not freeze to death on recess duty!

Everything will be great! I’m going to do my best and I know the kids will too. Hopefully, I’ll even be able to do my super secret-get-back-at-mentors plan part one!

Yesterday, when I went in, Mrs. P said she needed to see Mrs. Wood and me in her classrooms under the pretense that we were in “big time trouble”. So, I got Mrs. W and we went over to Mrs. P’s and they ambushed me with Christmas gifts! I got a very nice, very large, new bag that I can use for subbing as well as some lesson idea books for Pre-K to 1st grade (maybe even 2nd). I was very touched by the thought! Mrs. W knew we weren’t in “big-time” trouble, she knew why we were going over there. In addition, Mrs. P skipped the teacher luncheon and wouldn’t let us bring back dessert for her. SO, I decided I was going to plot against her. (In a loving way of course.) I already have an idea for Mrs. W, so that’ll be easy. I just need Cherri’s help (and she said she’d help already). So, if time and students willing, I’ll be able to do what I want too. I also know that while I’m at the school, if I need something, I can go ask Mrs. W about it. I also know she’d most likely be willing to help me with me “revenge”!

I’ve been reading Hell House when I have a few minutes. I’m really enjoying it! I really enjoy Matheson’s writing. Makes me want to write horror/thriller all the more! One day, maybe I’ll be good at it. Also, Cherri, Hell House is not a book you’d want to read. It’s about ghosteses.

The fairest has been chosen.

school: mentors, school: subbing, books: matheson

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