Happy Monday!

Oct 21, 2013 07:20

My new class requires that I be in a Language Arts setting! BOOYA! I love language arts~! So really, all I have left is Language Arts, Social Studies, and Math and Science (they go together). I’m excited for two reasons. One, I get to work with two of my friends! We scheduled our classes together so there will be little to no stress for me. It’s going to be awesome. Second, I can work with one of my old teachers, because she teaches language arts! I really want to be in her classroom. I need to find three teachers to work with this next class. I have two in mind. The first 9 hours of practicum is actually observing three teachers. The other 6 hours require lesson plans and other things with just one teacher. I’d like to talk to Mrs. C about that, as she was so excited when she heard I’d be getting my teaching degree. I’d love to be in her classroom as she was always a teacher I loved. She is the reason I enjoy writing so much. She’s the reason I believe I can write and make something of it.

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I’m so excited by the thought!! She’s at the middle school, so that’s a bummer! But when I observe it’ll be all language arts! I couldn’t be happier about that. Oh man! I also know that Mrs. C would totally put me to work and she’s always been so helpful and encouraging. I look forward to counting her among my mentors. Naturally, I assume she’ll have me. I don’t think it’d be a problem. I’ll definitely need to double check. I’m certainly hoping to observe her classroom at least!

I’ll need to talk to the principals at three schools to see if I can get hours. I’m thinking about trying out some of the private schools too, since I haven’t been at them yet. It might be a nice change of pace. This means I can set up my hours in schools that are closer to home. The three I live on is really long and near the end of it, there’s a private school. So that’s something to consider as well. I’m really looking forward to the next couple of months!

In other news, I’ll be walking to the Navy Museum after school today! D will be giving a meeting/presentation there today. So I’ll probably get to meet his coworkers. After that, I’ll just catch a ride home with him. It’s really cool, actually, since I can see the museum from the elementary school. It means it’ll be really hard for me to get lost! (HAH!) Since I’m generally out by 3:10 it shouldn’t take me too long to get there. D is only supposed to be there until 4, I don’t see it being a problem. I’m sure he’d wait for me. That means I need to make sure I have all my stuff together at the end of the day though! It’ll be interesting to see the kind of people he works with now. I know a lot of the people there will be around my age too, so that’ll be interesting to see how D interacts with them. Worst case scenario, I’ll walk around the museum as not to disturb anyone. I also really like the museum, since a lot of D’s work is there.

Despite having a cold, I’m feeling very good emotionally. I’m excited about my future, looking forward to doing things. I’m not nervous about my test results (which I find out on Friday). I got an invitation to an honors society for being in the top 10% of my program. I work really hard and it’s nice to see little things like that. Of course, I value studying and hard work above many things. I think that if you want to make something happen for yourself, you really need to apply the effort and time to do it. As someone who is going to be a teacher, I merely want people to understand the importance of education. I think a good education can really give a person motivation and self-worth. They build together. I’m even looking forward to the idea of subbing now, even if it’s only for a few teachers! I have more debt than I know what to do with, but, I want to start whittling it away as much as I can. Subbing will help that. Oddly, I don’t find it as depressing as I thought I might. Perhaps because I’m feeling really good about my classes.

I’m still trying to figure out how I’m going to balance my schedule. This next class can be very stressful that. I need three different observations and then to do lesson plans in one of those three classes. I have Monday, Thursday, and Fridays for that. I may have to take some Tuesdays and Wednesdays but I’d rather not. I know that my kinder-mentors would totally understand and encourage me to do what I needed. But I really like being with them at the end of my week. Besides, it’ll only be for two months and I don’t foresee needing to take all of those days. Observations will be easier in the middle school level since classes are subject-specific. I’m mildly concerned about holidays and such since November/December can be really weird about it. If I have to, I’ll do half days at the Kindergarten Tuesdays and Wednesdays. I’m going to talk to my mentors about it today. And they will always be mentors. They’re never getting out of it!

The fairest has been chosen.

school: mentors, dad, school: teaching, school: exams

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