
Sep 25, 2013 07:22

My alarm keeps me from being disoriented most mornings when I wake up. It’s been very helpful. There are some mornings, though, where the alarm wakes me up in the middle of a dream. The disorientation from that is so much more than normal and is usually coupled by nausea. It’s a really odd feeling, I know I’m awake but it’s odd that I didn’t quite realize I was dreaming. Especially since it’s a recurring dream. There were a lot of different details this time, also, the use of material in the dream probably should have been a huge clue.

I think I dreamt talking to Cherri about my novel too. In particular I thought I should change Quincy to a girl and give the name to the doctor. Both of which she said were dreadful ideas (and they are). We argued in the dream over it and she said “You’re almost done, don’t ruin it now!” So I took her advice and left them, but it was odd that I was almost done and the doctor was still unnamed. On a plus side, only two characters are nameless at this point. Before I only had like two characters with names. So I’ve improved that! I’m also enjoying writing it even if it’s only little bits at a time. A new character was added, but she doesn’t have a name (she’s one of the two).

The fairest has been chosen.

writing: sotgw, dreams, cherri

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