I see it all too clear.

Sep 21, 2013 11:06

We read The Two Brothers last night! It was quite enjoyable, though much longer than we had been expecting. I’d say it’s one of my favorite Grimm’s Tales. I also really liked Faithful John. It’s been fun reading it with Cherri; I have a lot of fun with it. We’ve both been a little dispirited (to say the least) since the 17th so it’s been hard to read too. But I think we’re getting through it. And I think we’re about halfway through the Grimm’s tales now. A lot of them just make me shake my head. But it’s something I can do with Cherri, which I don’t feel like I get to do often.

I scheduled the basic skills test; I’ll take that on October 18, 2013. When I pass it, I’ll meet another requirement for my state’s credentialing. And, if I choose, I’ll be able to sub. I’m still not sure I want to do that. I know that it would be very good experience. I can’t shake my head at that. The downside is that the sub license/cert is for k-12. I don’t want to sub for secondary school. Although that would be a unique experience in its own way. I’m still not sure I want to sub at all. I don’t believe that the district requires us to have sub hours (although some do). I could, I suppose, sub though and work on more networking (and having money for once would be a nice change). The downside is that I still have projects and homework to do. The time management issue might kill me (well, no, I would make it work out). I’m apprehensive to do it, right now, though because I’m quite comfortable where I am. I’ll really need to look through the pros and cons. And if all I come up with the cons is that “I don’t want too” maybe it wouldn’t be a bad idea to try. Besides, I’ll do my student teaching next fall, so I might not get a job right away; subbing could kind of supplement that.

Today is mom’s birthday! We’ll be watching movies, making chocolate cake, and having pizza. I hope she has a great day! :D

The fairest has been chosen.

school: teaching, books: grimm brothers, mom, cherri

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