SO today's my dad's birthday!

Sep 09, 2013 16:23

Today’s D’s birthday! He’s fifty today! WOW. I’m really happy about it actually, since a few years ago we weren’t sure he’d even make it to his birthday. I’m really excited for him. I called him an old man this morning though and I know he’s waiting to get me back for that.

Long but good day with the kids at school today. Started my Phonemic Awareness Lesson Plan and it’s going slow but it looks like it’ll work out. Tomorrow, I’ll read the story again and do one of the informal assessments where I need the student to actually do something beyond point. So, I’ll need to work on it. Pacing is still my largest challenge, so I’m trying to meet that. I have a pretty fast pace and I don’t want to lose my students, but at the same time the faster paced the better it seems with the kindergarten students. I’m actually feeling a lot more confident about my lesson plans! It’s just pacing and delivering that I’m working on.

Found some of my pants that are super comfy, they’re not slacks but still work appropriate. They’re like magic. I’m so comfortable. I know it sounds silly but it’s hard to find comfortable work appropriate clothes (that or I’m doing it wrong; and that wouldn’t be a first).

Mirrored from Snowdrops

dad, school: teaching

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