Wasn't expecting that!

Apr 06, 2013 09:38

Mom’s back appointment went very well! The doctor was impressed with the progress she’s making. He wants her to be able to walk two miles by next month (since she can do one now). She can also start doing her back exercises again and she’s almost cleared to drive! She’s still feeling pretty down, it seems. But we can’t get her to talk about anything. She’s walking a lot more and moving around a ton more, but something’s still wrong.

In other news, I’ve been playing Harvest Moon: A New Beginning. I married Neil and I’m rearranging the town. I’ve been going crazy modeling the two, making streets and little parks. What I really need is some more flowers and things to make it look better! But, I lack items to do that. I also need more bricks to make more brick roads! But I really like the look of stone roads too. I have pretty much sorted everything like I want it right now and I’m very happy with the overall look of the town! I really need to do some work on the West Side of town though, cut down some trees and rearrange the houses that are there (there are only two).

I read Puella Magi Madoka Magica last night. I have no idea how I’m supposed to be feeling about it! Definitely not what I was expecting for a magical girl manga. Mami is definitely my favorite though. I also think that Kyouko is pretty cool. So, I’ll probably make a Mami shrine at some point too. Apparently the genre is fantasy horror! HAH. Well, that’s okay because I really did enjoy the manga. I also really love horror genre stuff. In particular I love how they mixed two things I enjoy and made me gawk. I really wasn’t expecting it to be as dark as it was and I loved it!

animanga: madoka magica, games, mom, games: harvest moon

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