11.7: Figured since this would just be a short post, it could wait until Friday to be put up. Because tomorrow I won’t be able to blog. Well I will, when I get home, but I’m probably not going to want too. Tomorrow I take my CSET. My eye has felt A LOT better since I stopped studying all afternoon. I stopped Monday (this Monday, the 5th). So I got in a good month of studying and brushing up on the things I think I need to know.
See ghost ditto. Throw ultra ball. It escapes. Keeps hunting. Finds shiny ditto. Throw Ultra ball. It escapes. OTL
11.8: Testing was in Pasadena, so I went to bed at 8 PM. I didn’t fall asleep until 1 AM and my alarm went off at 2 AM. We left at 2:30 AM. We got to the testing center at 5 AM and the test center didn’t open until 7. So I got an hour’s sleep in the lobby until 6 when the guard showed up. That helped a lot. Then at 7:15 I went into the testing center to get all registered. Test started at 8 and I finished around 9:30. I did my best! And I felt pretty good after finishing it. I need to check the site to see when I get my results, since they weren’t automatic. I was able to answer a lot more math and science questions than I thought I would (I answered everything, I don’t know if I answered everything correctly, but I feel I answered a lot more correctly than in practice exams). And there were only a few essay questions I couldn’t answer. We got home at noon, I said high to everyone told them I did my best and that I felt pretty good then crashed on the couch.
We had to drive through fog around 4 AM yesterday. I’ve never had to deal with fog, so the road was all cloudy and dark. It was a little scary, I suppose unnerving is a better term. But we survived the trip, so I guess it’s not too bad!
I can check my scores in four weeks! D: That should be December 7, 2012.
11.9: I have a lot of stuff to catch up on! Usually Thursday is my reading day, but I didn’t do it yesterday. So I need to do it today. Also have group projects this week and I’m not sure how well my group is going to work.
I want to catch a blue and purple mew from the Vdex anniversary event!
I’m contemplating doing the Shadow Temple today. And I also need to buy some sheep so I can get wool to make Rod’s House so I can finally get Neil’s Purple heart event and give him the commitment ring.
I had to call tech support to get some issues worked out with viewing homework. It took almost 45 minutes but we got it worked out! Yatta! I’m very thankful for other people’s patience.
Got most of my reading done as well as my initial responses!
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