Save me from myself, show me how to care!

Nov 29, 2007 22:33

YAY Writing! YAY Shinra Chronicles! YAY!

Mikari and Snow sat talking about the most recent employee added to the Shinra team. They spoke back and forth until Rufus sat at the table with his coffee. They looked at him for a moment and went back to their cocoa.

“As I was saying.” Mikari picked up, “I just don’t feel it. This guy is supposed to be the best we have, ne?”

“Well, I heard a lot of good things about him.” Snow offered, “But I can’t personally say.” She gave a shrug and took a sip of her cocoa before she continued. “What can I say? I avoid people like him.”

“Well, he’s too predictable.” Mikari retorted. “I mean, he barely does anything. By the time he gets going, I’m already done. He’s way too slow.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t expect so much from new people.” Snow teased. “After all, they’re no where as good as you. You give them too much credit by letting them try and please you.”

“Please, like that’s my fault.” There as a pause as Mikari put more marshmallows into her cocoa, “He shouldn’t have left everything so open. I had to take advantage of him!” Open of course meaning leaving the computer on, with the monitor on, and the files on his desktop. Open meaning he left his office unlocked. Open meaning Mikari had innocently been walking by said office to find Reno, only to find an open door. She couldn’t resist a new computer. Not even one she shouldn’t have touched. It wasn’t her fault that the new guy didn’t know better than to leave everything in plain sight.

“Is that where you were all afternoon?”


There was absolutely no point in trying to hide it. Rufus would find out eventually. The fact that he found out now, held very little relevance to him.

“What are you two going on about?” Rufus finally inquired.

“Men.” Snow and Mikari answered in unison.

“Or rather most men’s lack of competent performance.” Mikari nodded. “And lack of originality. He’s just…way too predictable.”

“We don’t like the new guy.” Snow answered, “He’s…far below what we’re used too.”

Rufus thought about their words. “Do you realize what it sounds like you are talking about?”

There was a small reflection on their conversation.

“Computers.” Mikari answered as though it were the most obvious thing anyone could take the conversation for.

Rufus looked at the two blankly, went to open his mouth to say something, and then decided better of it.

“What did you….” Snow started, thought and then stopped. She raised an eye brow and looked at her sister.

“You know, Ru-chan.” Mikari started, “We wouldn’t do something like that.”

“Coming from the sisters who led me on for how long?” Rufus blurted out.
“Said the man who thought he could control two sisters.” Snow chimed.

Mikari stood up, Snow did shortly after. Rufus looked between them and wondered how he had wandered from his office without a single escort. He shifted uncomfortably as he felt a chilling breeze. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end.

Mikari masked her “Kick him” in a serious of coughs.

“Poor Mikari-chan!” Snow sympathized, she’s got a cold~”

Rufus was able to dodge her kick. He jumped form his chair and blocked. “I’m not so slow y-“

He didn’t dodge Mikari’s. He groaned and fell to the floor at Tseng and Reno’s feet.

“What’s going on?” Tseng asked, despite the sheer look of horror in his eyes, his voice was quite calm.

“You kicked him!” Reno mouthed. “Why?”

Snow gave a shrug, “Eh.”

“Any reason is good.” Mikari smiled. And with that she put her boot back to Rufus’s body.

Reno and Tseng stood in place, not because they didn’t want to move, more because a certain Turks had frozen them to the ground Snow gave them a smile before picking up her cocoa and looking at her watch.

“Well, it’s time to get back to work sis~” Snow walked off with Mikari in tow. They thought nothing of the presidential abuse they had just dished out. They would feel no grief when a very angry Rufus Shinra came to their office. They’d just kick him out - figuratively and literally.


rufus abuse, writing: shinra chronicles

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