Dec 28, 2011 11:29

Writing Updates: Snake - Pocketful of Rainbows

The Steel Rat Wants You!
Harry Harrison
Start: December 27, 2011
Finish: December 27, 2011

I’m not usually big on Science Fiction. I don’t mind it but usually I prefer fantasy. When we got rid of the Piano we found a bunch of old books. The Steel Rat wants you was one of them. Dad mentioned it was an awesome book. He’s more tuned to science fiction than I am and I tried to convince him it’s not really my kind of read. He wouldn’t relent, so I picked it up yesterday and read it. It’s short, around 154 pages, so it didn’t take a long time. I felt it started out slow, but overall enjoyed the silliness. I think my real problem with it is that it’s not the first in the steel rat series, so I don’t know the characters as well as I could.

I actually thought it was pretty cool overall. Slippery Jim is a Thief turned Spy who catches other criminals. And he’s thrown into the predicament of saving the galaxy with his wife and sons. He has all these gadgets and has to make a disguise to sneak onto the enemy planet to get information (and save his wife and one of his sons). But the disguise is female so he has to deal with all these monster/blobs hitting on him. Aside from that, it has your standard time travel to view past events so that we can see what happened. Alternate Universes which were a solution to the war and ended up being dead ends. And then, lastly, changing a culture.

It’s pretty interesting because they have the different races and they really try to flesh out the ideal of Humanity. I find it interesting because perspective plays a large role in saving them. Without perspective, it boiled down, that all was doomed. It touched up on Morality too which made me chuckle.

Jay made a huge deal about morality and needless killing (Its immoral). Well, he went to stop them from doing something and Hanasu says that to stop them, they’ll have to kill them. This shuts Jay down immediately. They can’t kill them. It’s immoral! It shows the loop of humanity too. So it really made me smile.

  1. January: Reservation for Murder - Tim Myers
  2. February: Various
  3. February: Inn keeping with Murder - Tim Meyers
  4. March: Frankenstein: City of Night - Dean Koontz
  5. April: Frankenstein: Dead and Alive - Dean Koontz
  6. May: Frankenstein: Lost Souls - Dean Koontz
  7. June: Globalization and its Discontents - Joseph Stiglitz
  8. July: Night shift - Stephen King
  9. August: IT - Stephen King
  10. August: Stardust - Neil Gaiman
  11. August: Neverwhere - Neil Gaiman
  12. September: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe - C.S. Lewis
  13. October: Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology - Neil Postman
  14. October: Six Great Ideas Mortimer J. Adler
  15. December: The Steel Rat Wants You! - Harry Harrison

With that out of the way, I think I’m going to stop reading a book every month. Not that I don’t love reading just that because of classes, I feel burnt out in reading. I’ll read when I can. But I have a resolution I want to keep this next year. So, instead of finding time to read, I’m just going to do what comes naturally. No more sitting down and forcing myself to pick up a book. That doesn’t make for enjoyable reading. So I want to stop before it gets bad. As you can see, I didn’t read a book in November. And I feel absolutely no shame in that (even though one of my resolutions for the last two years has been to read a book every month). With classes, I’m finding it hard to do. The Steel Rat Wants You is my last official book for my resolution. So I won’t be logging them anymore, but I will be at least mentioning them from time to time if I am reading.

As it happens, if I do all my planning correctly, I will finish my bachelor’s in April of 2012. And then, I will start my master’s that summer. If I do all my classes like I want too and the student teaching, I’ll be finished with my degree in Summer 2013 and able to teach in Fall 2013. I really need to buckle down to make it happen (and it fits with the deadline of getting it all finished by 2014; and my personal goal of being done with all my schooling by the time I’m 27).

Considering doing a WordPress blog for my writing. Just to see what it’s like. I asked Cherri about it and PB.net supports it. So I think I’ll do that too. It’ll be fun. It was funny though, since I asked and I thought I’d have to explain it a bit but Cherri just looked at me and nodded, “Yeah, it does.” That was easy. I really wanna buckle down on my writing! My new year’s resolution for 2012 is to write a novel!

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

writing, resolutions, books, reading

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