Another summer day has come and gone away...

Nov 22, 2011 12:33

Writing Updates: Wish - Pocketful of Rainbows
Rei’s affection: 0-50

I have completed all my math extra credit! So that’s one less thing I need to do every week. So, today I’ll submit my problem of the week and start my humanities paper.

I really don’t feel like writing my paper, I’ve never been very big on position papers. It’s not that I can’t present my point, I can do that; I just don’t like too. I find it very boring to try and convince people of my opinion because I like to let people believe what they want too. I really feel like every time I have to write a position paper, I’m basically saying “this is why my opinion is better than yours” and I have no idea how to fix that mentality. The point of the position paper is to sway people to your side (not necessarily tell them that your idea is better) but it always feels like I’m saying, HEY! LISTEN!! You really need to change your opinion. And I really don’t like doing that. I also haven’t read a lot of things that make me go, “Oh yeah. You’re right, I believe this because to that. But your work makes me rethink this, and I might have to reconsider…” etc. I believe very strongly in things and I don’t mind a challenge, I’m a humanities major after all. More often than not a position paper reaffirms my beliefs rather than changes them (I mean from the context of me reading someone else’s work).

In fact, I have to answer why Literature is important for Humanities Majors. And I think, well, could that be because reading itself is important?! Well, ya. Obviously. But how do I explain that? I feel that without literature we wouldn’t have other brahnches of Humanities; art, music, theatre, technology, government, literature, mythology, philosophy, or religion. Well, I don’t mean we wouldn’t have them. Surely we’d still have mythology, religion, and government (to name a few) regardless of literature. But I mean to say that we can’t study them without Literature as more often than not literature has documented the rise, fall, and changes of them. Without literature, I feel like we’d have no connecting notes or dots to compare and contrast the things that work and don’t work for society. The problem is not saying that, as I think Literature, education, and reading are all very important. The problem is that I have to support those views. And I have little idea on how to go about that - I’m not big on research papers. I can write them, but I don’t often enjoy it. This is one of those things. And rambling about it here helps me collect my thoughts, which means I can write a better paper (I always want to be a better writer, you know).

I’ve very slowly getting through the paper. I’ve written the introduction and a paragraph and a half, I’m at about 300 words but I’m still not sure of what I’m trying to say exactly. I suppose I just have other things on my mind which I find a little more pressing than some silly paper.

D’s headed to the hospital today for surgery. It seems like he’ll have to stay overnight, but the surgery should help his heart out a great deal. He’s getting a defibulator put in. Oddly, I’m not worried about him; I’m actually a lot more worried about Mom. She has a tendency to go high order and make mountains out of mole hills. Not saying she shouldn’t be worried, I understand why she is. I just feel like she tends to be overworried in situations like this. You see, D’s heart was working at 25% which is bad. After three months its gone up to 30% which I think is a good think, but he’s not happy with the progress because he still has a lot of the symptoms and troubles as when it was at 25%, so, he doesn’t notice the change. There have been very minimal changes for the good, I notice them. But he’s still tired a lot and can’t do all the things he used to be able too. He has a lifting limit and how much physical activity he can do because his heart is only working at 30% of the total. So, I can see why mom is concerned. I can see why she’s freaking out. And maybe I’m just too optimistic but I haven’t been worried. Not even when he was diagnosed with congestive heart failure (which sounds a lot worse than it is). So, I’m a bit more focused on that than actually writing a paper. But I know D would be irked at me if I let those thoughts run to rampant and didn’t do what I needed too. So, I’m trying to get through the dang paper. But I’m finding it dull (oh yeah, and I wanna play Dragon Quest IX). I just feel scattered today. I’m hoping eating will help me focus - at least it will take out one excuse to procrastinate.

eating lunch made it worse. Now I have no drive to work on it. It’s like taking a break. I’m like “PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT. PASS.” So, I’m passing though I did get a little bit done. So that’s something; work on it a little here and there and I’ll get it done. I started it, I’ve gotten things written down. So now I just need to collect the thoughts and make it coherent. And I’m having a hard time with that today.


The two Pokémon frolic so often that it's hard to keep them apart.
Withdrawal Fee: ??
Discards: 7
Discard Fee: 630
Total: 630


Mambo de Chocobo~!
I'm taking requests for Kweh! I won’t take any more requests from people if their list is at ten. It will give me some time to work on the ones I have. Just leave me a comment with the following:


    Requested by Cherri
  1. Character(s): Cecil, Cloud, Kain, Squall
    Stage/World: Prima Vista
    Phrase: "Not too good with stages"
  2. Character(s): Laguna, Jecht, and Cecil
    Stage/World: Sanctuary
    Phrase: "We're awesome dads!"

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

To do List (Due November 27, 2011)
• Textbook sections 6.1 - 6.2, 6.5 - 6.7
• Online Module 5: Supplementary Topics, Commentary (sections I - V)
• MyMathLab Homework Assignment 5a: due 11/24/11
• MyMathLab Homework Assignment 5b: due 11/27/11
• WebTycho Participation in Week 5 conferences

Assignment: Final Project Paper (35 points).
1,000-1,500 words.

writing, dad, school, vdex

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