For real this time!

Oct 02, 2011 14:49

Writing Updates: Absorb - Pocketful of Rainbows
Submissions worked on: 1
LOLNO: Homework

Monday: Reading
Tuesday: discussions
Wednesday: Math projects; discussion responses
Thursday: Web Design projects; discussion responses
Friday: Humanities projects; discussion responses
Saturday: anything left over; discussion responses
Sunday: BREAK.

Math is done until Monday. Almost finals for this class. Almost done! YAY. This class ends on the 16th, but then the next math one starts on the 24th. Bwah.

Web Design
Title Pending
Whoo, one of four pages done! Title Pending also got a little revamp. Changed some things around. I think it looks better. Anyways, definitely need to keep working on the pages. And certainly need to do it before Sunday in following weeks. Need to devote days to things, man.

PFFFFFFFFFFFFFT. It makes me happy when pages work as they are supposed to. Boosts my confidence too. I assume it also means I’m learning something since I’m not making the same mistakes.

Bwah. For some reason the Pasha the Painter site changes aren’t showing up. I know they changed, I tested them. So all I had to do was upload them. But the site isn’t registering the change. And it figures. XD I mention it then it decides to work. I suppose it could have been because my browser had it cached. When I opened a new one and tried it, it worked.

Went ahead and did my HTML practice exercise today too. Got that outta the way. I don’t know why, but I’m not a big fan of background images when it comes to websites. (le sigh)


Looks like there’s an authentic assessment, so it’ll be a big paper. Need to look into what I can do for that.


Writing has been nonexistent today. BWAH. I wanted to get those pages done so I focused on that. I’ve been forcing myself to write lately. Even when I really want to get off the computer and just be done with everything. School’s been keeping me very busy. But I refuse to fold and stop my writing even for the sake of my mind! Well, actually, it helps calm me down a little even when my brain is feeling fried.

Snowflakes: Life

Bwah. I wrote out a schedule since I’ll be in three classes. I think it’ll really help as long as I stick to it. I can do this one day at a time. I feel like it might be overwhelming, so I’m hoping that the schedule helps give me some breathing room.

In other news, has anyone tried the custom CSS in the live journal settings? Generally, I use the layout generator deal. But I’m wondering if I’d like it more if I used CSS instead. Any thoughts on that? I suppose I could just try out little elements and see how that works out.

And I got sidetracked playing with the CSS. XD Trying it out little by little. I think that the css using bolds and such looks great, but it takes from some of the awesome because I use it so frequently to break up sections. HEADERS?! I could ttly use headers instead. I don’t mind the bars for the background colors for the headers (I like them actually). But I’m not too fond of the extra space between paragraphs and the headers. Seems like too much space, but I don’t know how to fix that. Anyways, if it sorts everything for me I’m happy about that. Finally I can indent paragraphs! (Which happens to be one of my favorite aspects for Liberation!) Maybe I’m having too much fun with CSS. Hee. ;w; I wanna be like Mikari and Cherri!!

I woke up early today, around 7:20 AM. I thought it would be perfect because then I could get a lot more accomplished. Unfortunately, I’m really slow when it comes to web design!

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Read Textbook Sections 6.1 - 6.5 10/9/2011
Read Online Module 4, Section III 10/9/2011
Do Self-Assessment questions at the end of Module 3 10/9/2011
Complete MML Assignment 7a 10/6/2011
Complete MML Assignment 7b 10/9/2011
Participate in "It's Final Exam Time Next Week" Conference 10/9/2011
Submit Problem of the Week 10/9/2011
Submit Extra Credit Problem if maximum not already reached 10/9/2011
Complete Quiz 5 in MyMathLab 10/9/2011

Web Design:
1. Felke-Morris, Chapter 7: (pp. 271-309) More on Links, Lists, and Layout
Chapter 7 Resources and links located in the Week 1 Conference.

Tasks List:
1. Participate in the Week 4 Discussion conference (located in the Conferences area). + 1, 2 response

Action Item:
1. Submit Final Project Website Proposal - Due Oct 9th (see the Proposal conference for more details).
2. Complete your HTML Practice #2 and post it to the "HTML Practice" conference. - Due Oct 9th. + 1 response

Text Readings and Webliography Action:
1.Read: Technopoly

Chapters 1-5, (pages xi-91)

2. Read: Six Great Ideas

Chapter 1-4 (pages ix-30)

3. Two sections in Webliography:
A. What if anything can we learn from Art?
B. What is Jazz? (8 min audio)

1. Conference Posts (8 points).
2. Plagiarism Awareness Quiz (2 points)

writing, school, websites: css

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