
Feb 04, 2011 14:07

Writing Updates: Smile - Jack of All Trades

English: // 2.6.11
Submit essay 1 (author oriented essay).
My choices:
my old man / Bukowski (pages 597-598)

Communications: // 2.6.11
Part Two: Understanding the Dialogue (cont'd)
The Self and Messages
Conference 1, 2, 3 (+1, +2, +3, +4 , +5, +6 )
DUE -- Assignment One: Models of Understanding (due Sunday)

Philosophy: // 2.6.11
• IWR, chapter 8: Glossary (flash cards)
• IWR, chapter 9: Glossary (flash cards)
• Post to Conference 3 (+1, +2)
• Sample Diary for Workbook

My goal today is to write both of my papers. But I’m having a terrible time concentrating! Urk. It’s been a long time since I struggled with writing a single page. And that could be because I don’t care to critique literature. This was supposed to be a grammar class! Urk. Stuggle! I can do this. I can do this! I can do this! (The self-fulfilling prophecy sure is slow). I can do this! I can do this! It’s done! I don’t know if it’s done right. But I tried my best and some work is better than no work, I find.

I’ll write my other paper tomorrow. Give my brain a break. My wrists are feeling a lot better today, so that I’m really happy about that.

Pick 8 random friends you feel comfortable around. (including yourself for number 4). Note: I did this twice, once for LJ once for FB.

1- Stephu
2- Naia
3- Pengtwin
4- Snow (pshaw me kthx)
5- Laria
6- Windy
7- Mika
8- Hikou

These eight people you just picked are stuck in a house with you for a whole year. There is no leaving the house at all until the year is completely up. If you had to choose a person for every question below, write down which person it would be.

There are four rooms, who would be in each room

-room 1- Pengtwin (he gets his own room since he’s the only boy)
-room 2- All the girls (whut, slumber party bunkbeds!)
-room 3- Game room (so this is where we'd all be anyways)
-room 4- Library (because when we're not gaming we're reading)

If there was someone singing in the morning who would it most likely be?
Me! XD; Or Stephu. We'll duet. ;D

If someone was considered the dad and the mom of the house, who would it be?
I'm the dad, because I'm manly. ;D And Steph is the mom. Because she's motherly.

If you wanted candy really badly and all of the 7 in the house had some, who would you take it from?
Mika but she’d take it back.

If someone had to watch you brush your teeth (every) morning, who would it be?

There was two bags of chips bought at the store, but 20 minutes later they are gone. Who ate them?
Naia - she steals my chips all the time!

Who would hate being in the house the most?
Mika if it weren’t tech enough.

Someone took (brand spanking new) pair of socks that were never worn, who is the thief?
I am. Love@Newsocks.

Someone swept all the dirt under the rug, who was it?
Windy. ;D

If there was arguments in the house, who would be the ones arguing?
Steph and Me. (NO YOU).

Who would be the one missing their* boyfriend/girlfriend that wasn’t in the house with them?
Laria! But knowing her she'd secretly sneak him in.

A pillow fight broke through, who started it?
Hikou, she's the god of war, ya know? But Mika probably instigated it.

Theres a marathon of your favorite tv show, what is it? and who would be watching it with you?
We'd all watch random things. Actually, I think Laria would watch scrubs. And Windy would watch Criminal minds. Mika would make us watch Ninja warrior
There’s a prankster in the house that put plastic on the two toilets in the house, who are the pranksters?
Naia and Hikou tag team. If they didn’t do it, it’s Mika.

The musics too loud, who turned it up?
Pengtwin turned it up to keep those kids off our lawn~ D:<

Theres a mouse crawling on the floor all over the house,
a)who is the first one to scream?

b)and who is the one to jump in* someones arms?

c)Who would be the one to kill it/make it go outside?

Who made pancakes in the morning and almost caught the house on fire?
NAIA. D:<<<<

Who gets sick of each other the fastest in the house?
Naia and Me? D;

Someones tanning on the roof who is it?
Not me and Laria because we'd be lobsters. ;D

Who is the tallest in the house?

Who is the shortest in the house?
Naia. XD Or Windy, they're probably about the same height.

Who is the loudest?
Me and Pengtwin with our awesome twin powers!

Who is the clown?
Pengtwin. <3

Who is the most respectful?

Who is the one you go to talk to the most?
Everyone all the time.

Who is the one that always comes up with stupid ideas?

Whos in bed first?
Me, no stamina.

If someone woke everyone up with pots and pans who would it be?
Hikou, it's SOLDIER training.

Who is always dancing?
….Cactus dancing! :D

Someone has the same sweater as you, so you get mad at them and who is it?
Naia, when'd you steal my sweater?

You got ice all over the kitchen floor, who would be the one to slip on it first?
Pengtwin, but he just slides into the next room and collects the star and saves the Princess.

Someone's hosting a bonfire, who's bringing what?
Laria, we're roasting dead bodies or marshmallows. Hasn't been decided yet.

A TV show options your house for a filming location, what TV show is it and who tries to lobby for a part?
Some reality show, we tell them to GTFO and then take all their equipment and make a bad FFVII movie.

Somebody starts a fight with Nerf guns, who is it?
Me and Hikou. D;< WAHR (but only with the neighbor kids and that guy who plays with dolls) Mika would try but she’d hit us. XD

Everyone in your house puts together a play production. What is it and who plays what?
Alice in Wonderland, but because we have all that TV equipment it spirals into a mess and somehow, we blow up Tako's pool.

The Jonas Brothers want to host a concert in your front yard. Who tells them no?
Hikou tells them no as well as various other things, and we have to drag her off before we all get arrested.

Your house is invaded by ninjas. Who wards them off?
Pengtwin. <3

Your house is invaded by pirates. Who wards them off?
Naia's leading them isn't she? And if its not her, its definitely Laria. But I also think Mika has a hand in it.

You awake in the middle of the night to find someone stealing food from the kitchen. Who's the culprit?
Pengtwin, but it’s because they're cookies. Or Mika because she’s up late..

It's Pajama Day at the household, who's in footie pajamas and who's in a Snuggie?
Whut? There are no pajamma days only zuul!

school, mikari, pengtwin, cherri, hikou, tako, meme, caramel, windys chainsaw

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