
Feb 02, 2011 12:24

Writing Updates: Table - Jack of All Trades

Register for Finals (English and Communications)

English: // 1.30.11
Submit essay 1 (author oriented essay).
My choices:
Oedipus Rex / Sophocles (pages 733-776)
Begotten of the Spleen / Simic (page 648-649)
my old man / Bukowski (pages 597-598)
Young Goodman Brown / Hawthorne (pages 3-13)

Communications: // 2.6.11
Part Two: Understanding the Dialogue (cont'd)
The Self and Messages
West and Turner -- Chaps 7, 8
Conference 1, 2, 3 (One response for each)
DUE -- Assignment One: Models of Understanding

Philosophy: // 2.6.11
• IWR, chapter 9: Buddhist Tradition
• IWR, chapter 8: Glossary (flash cards)
• IWR, chapter 9: Glossary (flash cards)
• Post to Conference 3
• Post 1 image and caption (with source) to Timeframe 3 in TIMELINE CONFERENCE.
• Sample Diary for Workbook
• Submit AP certificate to Assignments Folder

We have grocery shopping today. I’ve been working on a bit of homework this morning. I got up half an hour early, which has really helped me get a move on. I need to shower and get ready so we can go get this chore done. Beyond that, I’ll probably come home and start back up on my homework since I want to get my conferences (initial) done today. Then I’ll work on my time line 3 and the diary entries for both (2 and 3). Maybe even check out some stuff for timeline number 4. I was able to get my conference posts completed. So that just leaves timeline and papers for this week. I think the hardest part is the timeline, which, I plan to tackle today. When I got back from grocery shopping, I decided I was done with “work” for the day.

Looks like we have plans on March 4, 2011 to finally get to the book store! We’re going with our cousin, Skittle, because she’s never been (not sure if her hubby is going to tag along or not yet). So we thought it would be a fun little adventure. I’m planning on catching up in Zombie Loan, Trinity Blood, and xXxHolic. My last four volumes of Tsubasa (that I got for Christmas) shipped yesterday. I’m caught up on Hitman Reborn. If I can, I’ll also try and get volumes 2 and 4 of Magical J x R. I am going to look for more than manga though. Might check into a new journal or two and see if I can find anything else by Shan Sa.

We bowled last night (I rewrote this sentence three times 8D). We won all four games! I had a pretty good night, I bowled my average every game! YAY. I also bowled a 177 last night, which is my best game in a long time. I had a cheeseburger and fries for dinner, but everyone else finished off my fries when I went to go order more. D wanted some so I got up to get them and when I came back, my fries were gone. Nothing like ninja’d food.

I really want to play Legend of Mana now. I need to eat something too.

games, skittle, manga, groceries, books, bowling, reading

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