
Dec 05, 2010 11:57

Writing Updates: Return - Country of Heath
Open/Unfinished Stories: Light, Country of Heath

Oh! I fixed my tab spacing. Thank you Mikari! Everything’s working great again. Well as great as can be, I’d say. There’s a lot that needs to be fixed. And I’m planning to get that rolling on the 7th. That’s a Tuesday, and I know we had talked about celebrating my school freedom then. Which I still want to do, but I can’t do it in the evening because we have bowling. So the 8th! I hope that’s okay.

I’m thinking of Playing FFXII: Revenant Wings or FFTA: 2. I haven’t decided yet. But I’ll probably go for Tactics Advanced 2 because Al-Cid is in it. I also started that game so I really need to finish it. I didn’t get very far - I played for maybe an hour. So I shouldn’t be too lost. I could just pick up Revenant wings though because it would be brand new.

I beat Ultima the other day in Final Fantasy XII. She was easy to beat too. Only need to get Zodiark now. Need to find Ixion and The Seer and maybe go beat the Hell Wyrm too. I love the hunts and optional boss battles. Beat Gilgamesh easily too. Why is there no one who can challenge me? My gambits are on for everyone now, so they can even beat bosses without me having to do anything. Usually I control the party leader - issuing commands and stuff. However, I wondered if I could set up the gambits well enough that all I’d have to do is run around. Turns out that I can.

Thinking about making cookies today.

games, school, games: ffxii, mikari, vincent laptop, games: ff tactics advance

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