(no subject)

Oct 11, 2010 10:45

Writing Updates: Morning - Shades of Gray

10.12 - 18
(1) Read: Module 2
(2) Read and review: Chapter 9: Patterns of Inheritance
(3) Do Lab # 7: Meiosis (0/2)
(4) Participate in your Study Group discussions

(1) Read: Module 3
(2) Read and review: Chapter 13: How Populations Evolve
Chapter 14: How Biological Diversity Evolves
(3) Do Lab # 12: Microevolution (0/2)
(4) Participate in your Study Group discussions


1. Unit M: Enhancing Data with other Programs (pp. 297-355)
Microsoft Office Excel 2007 - Advanced
2. Unit O: Customizing Excel and Advanced Worksheet Management (pp. 345-368)
Microsoft Office Excel 2007 - Advanced
3. Unit P: Programming with Excel (pp. 369-392)
Microsoft Office Excel 2007 - Advanced
Task List:
1. Participate in the Week 6 Discussion conference (located in the Conferences area).

Action Items:
1. Project 2: MS Excel 2007 Due.

Unit 2: Due on 11.30.10
• Read from Writing Fiction:
• Chapter 2 and Choose and Complete 1 Writing Exercises from 1-7 and post to conference (none longer than 1 page)
• Chapter 3 and Choose and Complete 1 Writing Exercises from 1-8 and post to conference (none longer than 1 page)
• Chapter 4 and Choose and Complete 1 Writing Exercise from 1-5 and post to conference (none longer than 1 page)
• Chapter 5 and Choose and Complete 1 Writing Exercise from 1-5 and post to conference (none longer than 1 page)
• Chapter 6 and Choose and Complete 1 Writing Exericse from 1-6 and post to conference (none longer than 1 page)
• Chapter 7 and Choose and Complete 1 Writing Exercise from 1, 2, 3, 5, or 6 and post to conference (none longer than 1 page)
• Chapter 8 and Choose and Complete 1 Writing Exercise from 1-7 and post to conference (none longer than 1 page)
• Chapter 9 and Choose and Complete 1 Writing Exercise from 1, 3, 4, 8, or 9 and post to conference (none longer than 1 page)
• Respond to Conference Topics (do not wait till end-you MUST respond regularly throughout the unit. Your grade depends on you responding in a timely fashion, with quality, and quantity)
• Write a Short Short / Flash Fiction Narrative (no longer than 1 page):
o Post to conference by October 31
o Review through course conference
o Submit to Assignment Folder for grade by November 7
• Write Fiction Narrative (no longer than 4 pages):
o Turn in to Study Group for peer review by November 21 by midnight
o complete peer review of 2 peers’ works by November 30 by midnight,
o turn in to Assignment Folder for grading by December 5 by midnight

I bowled terribly yesterday. But I still had fun! I also got my new bowling ball. I’m happy about that. It was a surprise to get it. I was willing to wait for a while considering that RC had been sick and that a lot of other people were getting grumpy about not having their balls. We saw RC last Tuesday and I was just happy to see him again! He asked us how we wanted them and we told him “Same as last time.” And “Take your time”. And we got them on Sunday. I really hope RC isn’t pushing himself. He really really needs to take care.

Bwah. My Excel project is due this week! ;_;

And I realize now, that I really didn’t read for pleasure in September. I finished a book, but it was for school. It was a writing book. Not sure I should count that because it was for school. But I think I should count it because I did finish it. Bwah, I’m counting it. Thought I sat down and did this earlier? Hrm…
To Tell the Truth: Practice and Craft in Narrative Nonfiction
Connie D. Griffin
Start: September 7, 2010
Finish: September 30, 2010

Cut it really close on this one for the monthly deadline. But, it’s a good book to read if one wants to brush up on their Creative Nonficiton. I read it as a requirement for writing class. I already knew a lot of what was in it, so most of it was review. There were some really good essays, examples, and pieces in it that really showed the points they were making in each chapter. Unfortunately, like most text books, it’s very dry. I suppose it doesn’t help that it was a huge review for me. One thing I did like about it is that it really stresses telling from the writer’s perspective. The “I” of the story. And everything I wrote had been based on things I lived. Not too bad really. Nice if you want to write memoirs or that kind of thing. Not a big fan of writing Nonfiction. Still, it’s nice to have the practice. Although, I’m not entirely against it, I did learn to write Prose Poetry because of it.

  1. January: Your Heart Belongs to Me - Dean Koontz
  2. February: Inferno - Dante Alighieri
  3. March: The Portrait of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde
  4. April: Creative Journal Writing - Stephanie Dowrick
  5. May: I am Legend - Richard Matheson
  6. May: Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck
  7. May: The Epic of Gilgamesh
  8. June: Frankenstein: The Prodigal Son (book one) - Dean Koontz
  9. June: Odd Thomas - Dean Koontz
  10. July: The Magician’s Nephew - C.S. Lewis
  11. August: Empress: A novel - Shan Sa
  12. To Tell the Truth: Practice and Craft in Narrative Nonfiction - Connie D. Griffin

Being as that I’ll probably finish my other writing book this month - I decided to just add it. No reason I can’t combine school and reading - right? XD Got to stick with my resolutions. A book is a book. Besides these books help me to write better. Surely I can’t complain about that.

Anyways, off to shower, read and play games. Maybe not in that order. XD

school, books, bowling, reading

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