
Aug 28, 2010 12:11

Writing Updates: Tomato - Solar

I’m glad that today is Saturday. I feel pretty good today, much better than I did yesterday. I think that the exercise yesterday really helped. I’m looking forward to a good weekend. I’m almost finished with Empress and tomorrow I’m going to the movies. It’s looking like it’s going to be a good weekend. I’ve been looking forward to it for weeks because it kept getting put off.

I think we’re going to go see Vampires Suck. I’m a fan of parody movies. And even though I’ve never seen what they’re parodying, I jump at the chance to make fun of my aunt! Who happens to be taking us to the movie and loves Twilight. Still it’ll be nice to spend time with her and her kids. It’s not something we’ve done in a long time. I was really starting to miss it. We’re celebrating her return to school and getting a 90% on her first quiz and Cherri’s getting and A in a class she is hating.

I really love listening to Billy Idol. <3 D’s Ipod is plugged into the speakers and he’s got a lot of country music, but then he’s also got Billy Idol. So I can’t complain. He usually has to listen to our playlists so I think it’s fair that we listen to his. And actually I don’t hate all the songs on his playlist. So everything’s good. I think mom’s gonna get annoyed fairly soon though. At least as soon as Billy Idol stops.

I’m getting somewhere in Solar. So I’m really happy about that. Unfortunately Mana and Kamui had a small disagreement. Oh well, they they’re young, they’ll get it all worked out. Mana, Lani, and Michelle will probably cause trouble the next chapter. Yay for troublesome little girls! Well, not really but it’s an idea I really want to use. So I’m going to write it tomorrow. I’m enjoying writing it.

Today I think I’m going to finish up Empress and get through my fourth spring in Sunshine Islands. It’s going to be a slow day. I need to figure out what I’m going to make for dinner too! Oh snap. I’m not really sure since it’s getting to the point there’s not much in the house to cook with. Ugh! Got to get going.

writing, good day, movies, reading, music, books: empress, games: harvest moon, billy idol

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