
Aug 03, 2010 12:17

Writing Updates: Collide - The Dark Hour

Homework: (Aug 2 - Aug 8)
Chapters 22 and 23
Online Module
Online conference
Biological Magnification Exercise
Quiz 4 (18-22)

Homework: (Aug 9 - Aug 14)
Chapters 24 and 25
Online Module
Online conference (Newspaper articles summary)
*OPTIONAL* Extra Credit Assignment (Due 8.12)

Homework: (Aug 15 - Aug 21)
Final Exam~ (Aug. 19)

Why does science have to include math? Ugh, I find it very frustrating because they’re not my best subjects. And I’m doing my best but the math is way over my head. I can never tell exactly what the science types want or hope to prove. Nor even how they decide that we need to figure it out, because I just don’t get what they want. It’s like they just assume everyone ought to know what they’re doing. And it annoys me greatly. I only have three weeks left, I only have three weeks left, I only have three weeks left. I think I’ll read the chapters for this week and next week today - probably at the bowling center. I can do the study guides and essay question studying there too. Ugh. I only have three weeks left.

So Takaya shoots Shinji. Takaya is a gay hippy. Play Persona 3 and find out. Anyways, environmentalism is like hippy science. I really think you’d have to be high as a kite to figure it out. Whatever, roll with me here. The environmentalists love nature etc, save the planet, blah blah blah. That’s great. I can be down with that.

But then they started throwing math at me, and I’m reminded I dealt with this problem in 1997 when Avalanche and Shinra were feuding. Promised Land, Sephiroth, ring a bell? So I’m familiar with the topic of people ruining the planet and killing each other over it. It’s cool. I’m not against that. I’m against the fact that for some reason, the logic of AVALANCHE is flawed. We’ll kill people to save the planet. We’ll use other things (oil and coal) which are more detrimental to the planet. So we want to save the planet but our fuels will pollute everything and we’ll all die faster. That sounds great! We’ll save the planet by not using Mako. Sounds good even though it makes our lives really easy and humans are lazy by nature.

My point is that hippies annoy me. Proof in point, Cloud drags way too much. So much even his party members get annoyed at him. Second point, Takaya shoots Shinji! What the hell?! Screw you Takaya. And if you’d like to be technical about the way my points are made, chronologically I played FFVII before P3: FES. So the points work this way even though my paragraphs are the other way. Third point, my science teacher has a weird way of explaining things; I can never decipher what he wants. I’ve never had to translate English into something more understandable. Stupid all answers are right but one is more right than the others so that’s the one you need…

Point four, Mikari’s right. Environmental science, while saying that they want to help the planet, is really just a way to figure out how we can use the planet longer.

Yay for generalizations and stereotyping.

And D said he wouldn’t beat up my science teacher…[/rantble]

But I’m feeling better after getting all of that out. This is just more proof that everything I learn in school, I’ve previously learned from video games.

Tinier Me has a new butterfly gacha. It’s really nice. <3 I really like it!

Also I’m feeling better now. I was feeling very “AHRIHGKSDHGUKGDUGHUIHGD” this morning but now I’m okay. :D Music and writing really helped.

school, tinierme

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