May 08, 2010 12:37
Writing Updates: II - FATE
Memo: Finish writing The Desert King, Light, FATE
Had a dream Pengtwin came to visit! We decided to go for a walk and ended up at this shopping center. I wanted to get a tattoo but he and Cherri kept trying to talk me out of it. I was determined and so were they. But everyone kept asking me if I was old enough to be there even though I showed my ID. No one believed I was twenty four.
In other news, quiet “refined” Luna is going WILD in the box. It’s really hilarious. She normally doesn’t play. But she’s having a good old time.
Other than that, I’m a little annoyed at myself for having forgotten so many hiragana (which I remember after a bit of though) and katakana (which I’m still missing a bunch of). So I’m going to type/write them up every day so I can remember them! Also need to practice vocabulary.
あいうえお アイウエオ
かきくけこ カキクケコ
さしすせそ サシスセソ
たちつてと タチツテト
なにぬねの ナニヌネノ
はひふへほ ハヒフヘホ
まみむめも マミムメモ
やゆよ ヤユヨ
らりるれろ ラリルレロ
わを ワヲ
ん ン
みなさん、おはようございます。おげんきですか。きょうはすごいです。わたしはゲームをします。ブッラクシギル です。ひらがなとかたかながすきです。でも、かんじはむずかしとおもいます。