Your new name is Mid-Boss

Apr 10, 2010 12:19

Writing Updates: Love - Shades of Gray; 31 - Double Down
Memo: Finish writing Double Down, The Desert King, Light, FATE

WRTG 391:
Week 12:
• Have you completed the assignment under "1st Rough Draft?" + Three Responses
• Are you continuing to develop your Final Draft of your Research Essay? Due Conference 13. + Three Responses
• Have you worked on your Authentic Assessment Project?
• Have you posted your entry in your Writer's Journal in the Workbook? (one third done?)
• Have you responded generously to your peers?
• Have you gone to the Assignments Folder and submitted a note telling me that you have finished this week's activities?

Week 13:
Authentic Assessment + Three Responses
Final Conference

Week 12:
Reference List
Discussion + Response to Classmate

Week 13:
Completed case Study

Ideal Schedule:
Tuesday, April 06, 2010: Rough Draft of Problem/Solution Paper (turn it in)
Wednesday, April 07, 2010: Outline for Literature Review and responses for Classmates Rough Drafts
Thursday, April 08, 2010: Final Draft of Problem Solution Paper (turn it in); Response for Art History
Friday, April 09, 2010: Work on Literature Review (2/8); Writer’s Journal
Saturday, April 10, 2010: Work on Literature Review (2 ½ /8)
Sunday, April 11, 2010: Work on Literature Review (pending/8)
Monday, April 12, 2010: Revise Case Studies
Tuesday, April 13, 2010: Revise Literature Review (participate in last conference; what I liked/disliked etc.)
Wednesday, April 14, 2010: Turn in both Authentic Assessments
Thursday, April 15, 2010: FREEDOM.

April 9, 2010
I started playing Disgaea last night! I’m really enjoying it so far! I’m not very far at all. My initial reactions are: Laharl is crazy, I don’t like Etna, I love dancing Prinnies, Mid-Boss cracks me up and Flonne is cute. I’m only on chapter 2, I’m chasing after Flonne. I like that I can put the dialogue in Japanese. I like that a lot. I’m thinking I’ll probably end up making Disgaea layouts.

Today I’m hoping to get through some of my literature review. I’m hoping for at least two pages but I would love to write through four. If I can write four each time I work on it, it will make revising easier. So far I’m not doing very well in this writing. Haha, I just feel too good to write formally. I’m a bundle of excuses. I just would rather be up and moving around than conforming to this. I’m happy to have gotten two pages written today. Tomorrow I can write two also, and so on and so forth. I’ll work on what I can and then revise it. That should help me meet the page requirement with the least amount of trouble. I don’t want my writing to be dry and terrible. I may just be justifying working on it minimally. But it’s not due until the 19th. So I’m thinking that if I work on it this week here and there, it will be better because I’m not cramming.

I like “If I had You” way too much. ;_; I don’t know why it is, but when I hear a song I really like I become obsessive. Still it puts me in a good mood.

I don’t know if it’s my computer or the internet, but it seems everything is very slow. Particularly live journal. Pirate’s Board was slow too, so I’m thinking it might just be Vincent.

April 10, 2010
I contemplated not writing any more for my literature review today. I even procrastinated by playing the Conversion game. I do have the leeway to take a day break. I don't have to work on it. But I would like to get it done. The problem is I have absolutely no drive to do so. If I write a little bit every day it will be done faster and I can turn it in faster which means I can be done faster. The way I have my schedule set up, I can write and revise everything I need too and be done on the 15th. Classes end on the 19th so I'd be having a break four days longer. Which I admit might be a good thing; save for the whole I get bored of long breaks. I really need a break at this point though, I've written so many papers this term I feel like my head might burst.

I couldn’t get LJ to work yesterday. So, I didn’t post. I did do my writing but both Ru and I missed a post because of it. Whatever, right? Not my fault. Anyways, it’s Saturday. I’m hoping to get two more pages for my Literature Review written. If I work on a little bit every day, I’ll get it done in plenty of time. I’m feeling a little bit nauseous right now.

Really need to write this paper. I think even one page will be good. I’m also trying not to revise as I go. Just write it all out and leave it so that when I can revise I can get it all in one sweep. This will hopefully lend to a better quality paper. I’m also writing in different color text so that I can see what I’ve worked on over the course of the few days it will take me to write this. I feel like my basic ability to write paragraphs has greatly diminished. I can already see that I’m going to have to have a post draft outline for any of this to make any sense. I don’t even know what’s wrong with my original outline. But everything feels terribly jumbled. Maybe it’s my “I don’t want to do this” attitude. I’m not going to force it anymore; otherwise the work may be unsalvageable. I got half a page written. As long as I’m working on it, right?

Anyways, I’m off to shower and play Disgaea.

writing, school, good day, music

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