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Jan 22, 2010 14:12

Writing Updates: 31 - One of Us is Crying

Libs 150
Introduce yourself in the Introductions Conference
Practice Activity 1.1
Practice Activity 1.2
Knowledge Check 1.1
Participate in the Module 1 Conference

ARTH 370
Reading - Intro: What Is Art History, Ch.1: Art Before History
Conference for Chapter One - “Art Before History” due 1.23; Respond to two classmates due 1.24
Select the destination for your Virtual Travel Assignment due 1.24
"How to Avoid Plagiarism," self-study module
Introductory Conference for Week One - Respond to two

WRTG 390
Then read each of your classmates Introductions - Respond to three
Module 1 - Respond to three (responded to two)
Summary - Respond to three (responded to one)
First entry of your Writer's Journal in the Workbook
Noted the Teacher saying I finished all Assignments (need to respond to classmates to be completely finished)

It snowed yesterday!
雪 -> ゆき-> Yuki -> Snow

I’m taking a small break to blog a little bit. I did about two hours of work so I’m entitled to a twenty minute break! I’m going to try and get my summary and writer’s journal entry done before calling it a day. I really do need to do some Art History homework too (almost wrote Heart Station because I’m listening to it and it somehow became the name of the class). But I’m terrible because I can’t even sit to take a break without being like, oh yeah I have to do this or that. I actually just picked up my textbook and went, “Wait, it hasn’t been twenty minutes!” I really need to work on that.

My writing teacher shares quotes with us every day. I appreciate little things like this. Here is today’s:
Even in literature and art, no man who bothers about originality will ever be original: whereas if you simply try to tell the truth (without caring twopence how often it has been told before) you will, nine times out of ten, become original without ever having noticed it. - C. S. Lewis

I still don’t like writing summaries. I really feel like I’m no good at it. But I do like the idea of keeping a writer’s journal this term. That’s pretty nifty because I can look and see what my strengths and weaknesses were for the week.

I actually had a bit more done for Art History than I had thought. Bwahahaha go me. I’m trying to decide between Parthenon and Vatican for the virtual tour. Wonder if Vatican is an acceptable option. I really need to go through and figure out what is and isn’t. I don’t feel like working on homework anymore. It’s almost one o’clock.

Harvest Moon:
Will is at Yellow Heart and I have all his events done. Shea is a secret bachelor and his heart is at black. Denny, Pierre, Elliot, and Vaughn are all at blue Heart. Vaughn’s being difficult! He should be at green heart now but he taunts me. I still have to raise two more islands to get Mark. I’m trying to decide if I should. I already decided I’m going to marry Vaughn. But I still enjoy getting as many heart events as I can. I think that Elliot is very boring though, I don’t even know how he got blue heart. I just talk to him everyday. That’s actually the case with Pierre too. I rarely give gifts to anybody but Vaughn. At the very least I can go to couple events with Will.

Although you have to give people five gifts that give them 300 points to get sunstones. So I need to do that with a few more people. Which is kind of annoying. If I didn’t need to raise the islands I wouldn’t bother. I’m also annoyed that I have to pay 10k to build bridges. Go chop the wood then pay me all the monies. But everyone loves me so I guess I can’t complain.

school, snow, games: harvest moon

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