(no subject)

Dec 20, 2009 10:50

Writing Updates: 7 - One of us is Crying

Today I need patience more than ever. I need the wisdom to know what should and shouldn’t be said. And I need to know when to just keep my mouth shut. It’s the 20th, that’s my uncle’s birthday. Even though he passed away this year, I know this is going to be really hard for my mother and aunts. I know they’re going to have a hard time coping because they can’t call and wish him happy birthday. I don’t want to upset them, and I would really like them to have a good day today.

I don’t understand why they’re sad on his birthday though. He wasn’t around that much anyways. And I know that’s not much consolation, because they feel like something is missing. Then it becomes one of those days we’re all doomed to failure. AND, I don’t want to think like that. I don’t want to get trapped in the loop that nothing is going to be okay. I need to be patient today. If I can take this with just one step then I can be okay. And I hope that everything else can be okay too.

I’m not really bothered by the fact that it’s his birthday. In fact, it doesn’t bother me at all. Even though I say “It’s just Belac” - the truth is he never really seemed to like his birthday as he got older. So now I figure it’s really not a problem because technically he’s not getting any older. So I don’t know. I just think today might be one of those days where it’s best not to say anything unless directly spoken too.

In weather related news it is cold and cloudy. I’m wondering if it will start to rain. I don’t think it is cold enough to snow - but - I do admit hat secretly it would be nice to have a little bit of snow so close to Christmas. On topic of Christmas we’re going to my grandparents on Christmas Eve for pizza. PIZZA. I’m just, it’s so informal I’m cracking up just thinking about it. There are only two people I can think of who would honestly order pizza on Christmas eve and my grandmother hadn’t been one of them (My dad and Mikari, if you’re curious).

I’m stuck in Spirit Track because I can’t play the song to restore the tracks! I fail so epically at it. I was able to do the first two, but Cherri had to do the third for me. And I think that she might have to do the fourth too. I was able to beat the pirates though - as though that’s somehow a consolation. It is kind of, since Cherri couldn’t beat them. But man, the spirit flute is pretty nifty I just can’t play the Fire Tune. I think I’m going to give it another try today so that I can hopefully beat the Fire Temple. Hopefully.

It’s Christmas time, what can I say?

Dear Santa...

Dear Santa,

This year I've been busy!

In January stobo_chan and I robbed a bank (-50 points). In February I ruled Canada as a kind and benevolent dictator (700 points). In April I gave niquiexangel a wet willie, then I took it back (-5 points). In September I signed my organ donor card (28 points). In October I bought porn for masterxanxus (-10 points).

Overall, I've been nice (663 points). For Christmas I deserve an XBox 360!


belac, rambles, games, games: legend of zelda, meme

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