Writing Updates: Apple and Cinnamon - Indulgence
Final Fantasy V:
It’s a little known fact….. but Ninjas hate to be electrocuted. In fact they also hate to be set on fire. And it’s because Sephiroth beat Yojimbo that he’s the hero of Wutai. Actually it’s that Leviathan knows that the Masamune is superior to the Stratos so he won’t mess with Sephiroth. Because the Wutains are a bunch of little bitches. I actually don’t pretend to know how all of that works, but, as we’re trying to steal the Stratos from Yojimbo last night, Cherri started with her “Little Known Facts” about battle and the history of Final Fantasy Blades.
Reina was a black mage at the time and Cherri was spam casting Bolt 3. I asked her why. And she replied, “It’s a little known fact….. but Ninjas hate to be electrocuted.” So for something like three hours we just ran around getting experience trying to steal that rare katana (which ended up being ten points better than the legendary Masamune - but this is the game’s words not mine) and I got to hear a bunch of little known facts but I only remember the first couple of them because after awhile Cherri was laughing too hard and I had to revoke her pudding rights. She ignored me and had pudding later.
Anyways, we beat Final Fantasy V last night. We spent a few hours just raising job classes. Like unnecessary hours. We could have gone and beat X-death at any time, but I felt it necessary to be almost compulsive about having everything mastered. I think we got halfway through everyone’s jobs. And then I was like, “Eh let’s just go claim X-death’s head.” And Cherri went, “Mmkay~!” And we went and fought him with little to no trouble. We were level 42. I had a lot of fun playing it with Cherri. :D It’s almost too bad Bartz got picked on the entire game.
- Dokapon Kingdom
- Star Ocean Second Evolution
- Final Fantasy IV - March 1, 2009
- Phantasy Star Portable - March 22, 2009
- Mana Khemia - May 1, 2009
- Persona 3 FES - May 16, 2009
- Persona 4 - May 30, 2009
- Devil Survivor: Time of Death - July 15, 2009
- Wild Arms: Alter Code F -August 6, 2009
- Wild Arms 4 - August 15, 2009
- Dissidia Final Fantasy - September 12, 2009
- Mana Khemia 2 - September 14, 2009
- Final Fantasy V - October 4, 2009